Instagram princess

Hi guys and girls!

I know, it’s a rather strange title, but here you go my latest work. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

You can check out some wip images on my behance portfolio :slight_smile:

keep it up man … nice work

Love how confident she looks! Great job!
Checked Behance too, lovely collection there Duffy!

Really good work :slight_smile: love the bokeh effect

Hot lady :eyebrowlift2: Love her face and gaze :yes: Good job!

Thank you guys!

Nice work, but I think you overdo post stuff, dof, bokeh , smoke dirt … Can we see image without those.

I think the heavyhanded postpro is perfect, considering the title.

Just remember, you can make any picture look good if you throw enough compositing on it!

SreckoMicic, yeah it’s heavy on this one, but it’s also kinda SterlingRoth mentioned tat the whole point was to use lots of filters. Another factor is the quality of the post stuff- I agree that there are lots of ways to improve it and it could be done better. You can see a bit cleaner version on my Behance portfolio in the WIP section.

Anyway, thank you guys for sharing your thoughts! :slight_smile:

hope i will enjoy it

Well nikitron, either you really hope to like it someday because you don’t like it now or you have something different on your mind :smiley:

I was just wondering when this will be in the feature row. Really amazing, I admire your patience to create that…

Very Beautiful! Amy Winehouse :slight_smile: ?

Hey, let’s hear it for “post-production.” The render-output is not the final shot. This is an excellent portrait of an interesting character, who immediately commands the scene. The only negative comment about it is that there seems to be a bit of a “wash” on it … a sense of “dirty lens” in front of her face … a lack of saturation. A photographer would, as a matter of course, scrupulously wash both the lens and the window.

Great character model. I hate the instagram filters though. The overuse of them has become so unoriginal, amateur, and nauseating. But good work.

may i ask to see your skin node setup?
also was this in cycles?
great work man the “overdoneness” of the photo is perfect.

I lilke it, this character is nice and good job !

Love the expression… Comp is really cool

Nice work! :smiley:

Thank you guys!

I’d show the skin shader setup, but before I do that I need to clean it up. It’s basically a huge set of different color ramps, diffuse, translucent and glossy shaders, but it all makes sense when put together. Maybe for some of my future artwork I’ll share something more about the process of making materials.

cgstrive- I wasn’t focusing on any likeness, just wanted to create this babe you see there, but thanks! :slight_smile: