[Addon] Parquet | Floor generator

It s not supoorting 2.76b?

I’ve just tried with the last build on buildbot, and yes, it’s working.
If you any problem, just let me know here.


Could you add natural bark pattern ?

@@clarkx: Great to see it fresh :slight_smile:
I don’t want to be seen as lazyman :slight_smile: but it would by great to have a “Presets” since most of the floor patterns use some kind of “standards”.
Thank you for your opinion.

hey vklidu, it’s a good idea, indeed, but unfortunately i don’t have time anymore because of a new job. I will try to look at it in a near futur, thanks.


Hey guys - I have a problem! I have a floor which has different orientations of the floorboards (not at 90d) and I thought I would use plancher to create each section. After I created my first plancher floor, the second floor I added had no parameters in the toolbox. I cannot adjust length, width, geometry etc… The second plancher floor is just a 4 boards default floor with no editing options. Why is that? Anyone pls hlp!

Hey bogmat,

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue, I will try to look at it. The problem is that the addon is just looking for an object called “Plancher”. So if you rename your first floor to “Floor 1” instead of “Plancher” for example, you should be able to add another floor. You will not lose the parameters. When you finished the second floor called it “Floor 2”, then rename the “Floor 1” to “Plancher” again, you will have all your parameters for this floor back again… Sorry for the mess :slight_smile:

Hope it helps !

پارکت به پوشش هائی اطلاق میشود که معمولا از جنس چوب و یا از مشتقات آن ساخته شده و به صورتهای مختلف قابل اجرا بر روی کف ساختمان میباشند. در گذشته بیشتر از مدلهائی که از چوب طبیعی با تکههای کوچک به صورت پازلی در کنار هم قرار میگرفت استفاده میشد که مشکلات فراوانی به همراه داشت که از جمله آنها میتوان به تعمیرکردن و ساب و لاک زدن هر ساله اشاره نمود اما امروزه با فناوریهای جدید انواع جدید تری از پارکت به بازار عرضه شده است که به پارکت لمینت شناخته میشوند.

Thank you @clarkx for updating your addon to Blender 2.8



It seems it doesn’t work with 2.83 beta. Anyone tried it?

Any chances to get this addon working with actual releases of Blender? Thanks!

If you download the addon, unzip it, and rename the folder plancher, rezip it, install and enable it, it should work from 2.8 to 2.83.13. I have not tried it in 2.92.

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Works in 2.92. I did rename the folder to just “Parquet”. Not sure if that makes any difference.

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Hmm, maybe parquet is better. Not yet working for me - 2.92, 2.93 attempted.

I renamed mine plancher, like the py file and it is working in all 2.8’s and 2.92 as I said in 3 posts up. I hope it works for everyone else. Make sure you re-zip the file and then install. Thanks

Plancher for the file name and the folder inside? hmm, that was my second try…
Will try again.

UnCommonGrafx. Read my post 5 posts up. First you need to download the file from 8 posts up. Then you need to unzip it. The init file and the plancher py file should be in the unzipped folder. Rename the file folder “plancher”, then rezip that. Then install it. Good luck.

Assistance appreciated!
I am getting this error:
bpy.data.window_managers[“WinMan”].addon_search = “”
bpy.context.space_data.system_bookmarks_active = 3
Modules Installed () from ‘J:\users\Robert\Downloads\2021\plancher.zip’ into ‘C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons’
bpy.data.window_managers[“WinMan”].addon_search = “pla”
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.93.0\2.93\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py”, line 351, in enable
mod = import(module_name)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘Parquet-for-2’

I have gotten to this point but no further. Even the initial zip worked to this point.
I was encouraged that others have it going.

Did it work in 2.92? Worked fine for me.

That worked for me. Bender 2.83.1. Os X El Capitan.

Thanks a lot!