Advanced GLSL 2D Filter demo

Hey Martinsh, amazing work.
It runs ok on my laptop, a little slow tho. Looks incredible. I could use a lot of these effects in a new game of mine I’m working on, for sure.

On a side note I’ve been getting comments on the Blendernation article about the second download link, some people are saying theres a virus or something. Ive removed the link in the article as a precaution.

Keep up the awesome work, all these new 2D filters are great, I’m sure everyone appreciates the work your putting into this.

This has nothing to do with ATI or ATI’s drivers it’s BLENDER that hasn’t been optimized for ATI… It’s becasue when it was coded it was for apricot and they use nvidia computers…

6fps on my laptop with most of the same errors posted above. Im also running with a ATI card. I must try it on my other com with Nvidia-card to see this great piece.

Best stuff in GE I have ever seen. What would we do without you Martinsh? It is completely optimized, I get 60 fps on this.

wow, completely jaw dropping, too bad my pc aint good enough to run it, lookin forward to seein this completed though, great work :smiley:

I get full 75 fps ,and how u get the maxfps on 75 with game render settings ah and mpan3 site is down do u know over sites from him?

Haven`t been here for a while, and wow, so much have happened.
Also thanks Alex (AD-Edge) for featuring this thread in BlenderNation. I will try to host the file elsewhere and check that no malware gets in the blend :slight_smile:

Yesterday i had a talk with Dalai Felinto (dfelinto) and and hopefully there will be few optimization fixes soon. I also try to get Filters to work on ATI cards, though unfortunately (or fortunately ;)) all my PC`s has NVidia cards so i cant really test the filters and find the problem(s).
Snowcrash did a DoF working on ATI cards, ill dissect the changes and hopefully find the solution to run this on all systems.

Ah, forgot to mention
Huge thanks Mike Pan and Dalai Felinto, ive been bugging them with ton of questions recently regarding BGE Python API and GLSL, as i am not actually a coder, rather an artist. And of course thanks BlenderArtists community for support.

very nice, but it doesnt work :frowning:
i get this:
Whats wrong?

I’m getting 60 fps on my P4 single core + 8800 GT. I have to really congratulate you on this work.

15 fps on my laptop.

very impressive work those light scatter rays are great looking.

excited to see this with optimized code.

Dam! That’s nice, Martinsh! Great stuff here.

Now i’m gonna start sounding whinny, so my bad :slight_smile: You know what would really tickle me? If we (you :D) could isolate the light radial blur, giving us a ‘bloom’ sort of effect. That’s what i’ve always wanted from blender, and i waited and slacked, and Martinsh comes along and makes it for me! See how great this is?

Anyway, extraordinary work. Extremely impressive.I gotta ask, though. See towards the bottom of the mountains in the pics you provided? I’m not really diggin the blur. I like only the rendered scene + lighting scatter. Just my opinion though :slight_smile:

Hey really great stuff. I tested it for you on Linux and Mac, but it did not work well. I hope you get it to Work thumbs up
Perhaps you know about my Project the Blender environment demo or GLSL Techdemo. I would be happy to develop with you on that because it is nearly the same project :wink:

Greetings Mathes

Ahh sorry for this…Don"t want to have it double time…

Congratulations on getting this as Forum Banner!


incredible !!!

OMG!!! THIS LOOKS LIKE CRYSIS NOW! SSAO and those light shafts together, is just like that! Now all it needs is volumetric clouds…

Wait, pressing 1-6 doesn’t do anything. i’m using a mac. I see no lightrays :*(

really nice work. :slight_smile:

I hope you can fix the ati issue (here also on ati hd4870).

relly cool! I am getting only 6 fps though

You must have a pretty bad computer. Or an ATI card.