Are you ready for new BMesh tools?

+1 for blend_B

Exactly, that’s the problem.

Just by the way: the bevel function in 2.4x was based on a small bmesh kernel beside the normal mesh kernel. I can understand why the developers wont integrate two seperate mesh kernels again instead of a new one which can handle all operations.
But yes, indeed. A proper bevel and knife tool is still missing in 2.5x.

Make small bmesh vids. Make some models to show that you are interest in it to the devs, and that you want it integrated as soon as possible. (reason: its much more easy to model with ngons, no more triangles :slight_smile: ) Thats a strategy. I was going to work on this strategy if i was not so sick all the time.

Guess this show why we need bmesh. If it were simple to create the bevel tool in current mesh kernel they wouldn’t have bother implement it using another kernel…

Regarding the knife tool, there was one dev on the mail list who volunteered to look into fixing the knife tool. Dunno if he have made any progress yet…

Gustav, not true!
it was immplemented that way as an soc project…

The idea was to test bmesh, not a choice of technical limitations of old mesh

Ok I see. But why did I end up in trunk then, if it was just to test bmesh? Looking back it seems like bad move…

I think it was because bmesh was a month or two from being merged to trunk back then (2007?):wink:

whait a second. bmesh started in 2007 ? in the name of blender-god.

nah, It’s older than that…

It was started before 2007, but it was restarted about 3 times, and joseph also re-writing large portions.
I guess that also shows how complex the Bmesh project is. replacing a huge part of Blender with something new, which in turn will result in allot of work.
I think the reason Joseph is doing most of it alone is because of all the design decisions that have to be made, coordinating that over the internet would cause allot of problems i’m sure.

So if BMesh is that important and other implementations are being put on hold,
wouldn’t you imagine that from the BF side more support would come?

I can agree on the fact that when the developer is so sick that he cannot keep
up with it that maybe he should transfer the job.

However I find it astonishing when because of one insecure addition to Blender
under Ton’s hand everything else relating to it is being put on hold for years.

+1 <sad head icon here>

Don’t worry too much about features being put on hold until Bmesh implementation, after all Bmesh is only 2 months away :slight_smile:

OK, I’m 90% positive that Campbo will be working on bmesh when he can, this was the plan a couple of months ago. So, if everyone stops reporting bugs, bmesh will get done sooner. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well said.

His communication skills still aren’t really good. I think he has a huge problem with criticism. I wrote a comment on his blog that I in all honesty wouldn’t consider an offense in any way. All I did was point out the current issue with Bmesh and what needs to be fixed. For some reason my comment is still waiting for moderation, although I posted my comment before some other comments that are online.

On a side note: Someone submitted (or is about to) two patches for Bmesh.

Is it appropriate to send bmesh branch patches here, so that someone might review and commit them? I have two right now: 1) fix spin and screw tools (also includes a fix to extrude that has already been committed) 2) fix knife tool in ortho mode (at least, fixes the only problem I could find, which was that it wasn’t tracking points on faces properly in ortho mode)

It’s nothing to do with that. Nobody here wants anyone to get ill, or work when they are ill. If Joe has health problems, and the future of mesh tools in Blender depends on finishing B-Mesh, then the Blender Institute should have stepped in years ago and given him help and made it a priority. Nobody is saying “We want mesh tools so Joe has to work himself into a hospital ward”.

Campbell starts to merge :yes:

Click here and here

Yeah he keeps the bmesh branched synced with trunk. What we would like to see is a merge in the opposite direction :wink: