BGE DEV: New features are now going into trunk, starting with the BGE harmony branch

Go to


type in “Game Engine”

Results: 0 of 0

Thats it.

Go to, press CTRL + F, type in “rigging” or “modelling”
results; 0

In the same way, your point is invalid; it is called “interactive 3d” as modelling is actually called “model” in the shortcuts.

You are smart, its not an instructive, i know you get the point, the blender web dont make too much to promote the BGE.


In an effort to not lose momentum on new BGE features for 2.64. Kupoman has mentioned that there are two patches from the Cucumber branch ready for review.

Moerdn has also recently submitted his patches relating to group functionality to the patch tracker.

It would be good to get all of this in Blender before 2.64, so we should make sure the lead developers are aware and have time to review them.

How come when I zoom in and out of the buttons window they keep breaking since 2.5 then? Is that progress? And some windows you cannot pan in anymore. They might be adding nice rendering effects but they’ve removed a lot of the things that made Blender fast and convenient to work in.

I prefer 2.6 / 2.5. Yes, it may be hard to transition. Yes, you may dislike some of the new workflow. The issue is that you often like a workflow because you’re used to it, be it worse or not. 2.6 Is cleaner, and looks nicer to use, which for me keeps inspiration close at hand. It is likely that your graphics card or system resolution needs addressing.

I like using keyboard short cuts best. I worked with 3dsmax for 10 years. Blender 2.49 won me over in 2 months because the interface was everything I ever dreamed of and more.LOL anyway I just realized I was using one key too many to pan all this time, I must only use the ALT key now. And the zoom is fixed in the latest release. So my complaint is now moot.


i noticed the new button to make the bake texture .(in 2.60 give crash)

the gui seem more clean , when print matrices is much more simple to read ,maybe discover other things.
(the first impact i noticed only the bad things (some changes in the matrices order))
but now i seen it better
i like this 2.63

thanks devs :slight_smile:

My brain is on fire with the possibilities. Will there be a way to run two shapekey animations at once?

As seen Daniel Stokes aka Kupoman will start working on the amazing Harmony Phase 2, however he has a broken link there and that might be a reason for no reply yet.

Thats great news. The link has just been malformed a bit. Its.

Phase 2 looks very interesting, cant wait to see the progress on this one. Phase 1 was a great success :slight_smile:

It worked properly in my email client xD

I am also open to feedback from people here on Blenderartists. I wont really have a chance to dig into this for a couple of weeks at least. Eventually I will be posting a thread for some UI feedback.

Hey Kupoman, I was wondering about the possibility of the ability to switch between GLSL and vertex lighting methods on a per-lamp basis? This would allow us to, for example, have the closest 4 lamps to the camera be high quality GLSL lamps, and the further lamps be low-quality. Most computers could probably handle a larger number of vertex lights rather than GLSL lights. I’m not sure if this is similar in theory to inferred rendering, though, so maybe I’m off on this idea, but I think it would be a good feature to add.

You’re taking feedback, Kupoman? Well, then, I would love to see clip alpha shadows in the game engine. Another great feature to add would be a shadow mapping method that is more compatible with large, open scenes(cascaded shadow mapping seems the best of these methods to me). But I think alpha shadows should come first.

Somebody made a patch for alpha shadows quite awhile ago, actually. I suppose it’s waiting to be cleaned up and reviewed…?

SolarLune: Not sure if something like that would yield enough benefit for the work.

laser blaster: I am looking for feedback on the proposal mentioned by blendingBGE and klauser, not for suggestions on features. I do however appreciate your input. Alpha shadows have been kind of on the todo list for a while, but it will require some effort to get them working with variance shadow maps. A better sun shadow method is also kind of on the todo list, but very far down.

Let’s just forget about alpha shadows ok? Harmony phase 2 has 2D filter clean-up, a feature that i personally been waiting for ages, Prepass System (ground work for inferred lighting) and HDR rendering!!
Alpha shadows are nice when we want to create trees and vegetation mostly,however blender cant handle a forest at the moment,nor many trees and vegetation.

BlendingBGE: Have you looked at the new proposal? I decided to go with my GSoC proposal instead of the original phase 2 draft.

Okay, I ve read the proposal, and I understood that the project is based on implementing inffered lighting, the ability to toggle between forward,deffered and inferred rendering modes, ui changes etc.
Good luck with it!!

Oh, your new proposal is to work on inferred lighting? That’s great, BGE could really use a faster lighting system. I’d love to hear some of the details of your plan of implementation(if you have one yet), such as what kinds of lights and shaders it’ll support, and how you plan to deal with sorting the alpha polygons into different layers(I imagine that would be very difficult to program).

I also have a suggestion related to inferred lighting. Could you allow some objects to be rendered with traditional forward rendering whil others are rendered with inferred lighting. Specifically, I’m thinking of particles. Inferred lighting’s 3 alpha layers might not be enough for some particle effects.