BGE DEV: New features are now going into trunk, starting with the BGE harmony branch

I was under the belief that he was working on deferred in favour of inferred

No, I think inferred lighting was always the goal, with deferred shading coming later on.

laser blaster: Mixing the modes is something that will have to happen (deferred shading can not handle alpha well and usually passes those along to forward renderer). Will need to think about if/how this should be exposed to the user.

Inferred will be first, for those of you who missed the link earlier, here is the proposal I will be working off of for phase 2:

I have an idea: why not just put alpha polygons through the same deferred lighting process as opaque polygons, and blend them in to the final accumulation buffer? I mean, split the alpha polygons into layers(which you’d have to do anyway for inferred lighting) and render them each in separate passes. You could use the stencil buffer to avoid computing lighting for pixels that aren’t occupied by an alpha polygon from the current pass. This would allow alpha polys to be rendered at full resolution, as opposed to inferred lighting’s stipple-and-filter method.

Then again, as far as I know, no games have used this method. You tell me if it’s practical.

Are there any recent updates on how the Harmony project is coming along?

Quite a lot actually, a good read through the SVN logs will give you over a dozen notable updates related to custom shader uniforms as well as an overhaul of the 2D filter system (which includes various speedups).

Moguri meanwhile has fixed a large number of bugs and has now resurrected his BGE components project on top of the work he’s doing on asynchronous loading.
(sorted by author, scroll down until you start seeing ‘Stokes’)

On the proposal I linked to earlier I am on about the 2nd/3rd bullet point. It took a while before I could get started on this project, and I took a bit of a detour and revived Moguri’s previous custom shader work (GSoC 2010). I will be looking for some community feedback soon, and I will post a new thread for that with a link to a new Harmony build (win32 for now, I don’t have a suitable Mac OS or Linux install).

Thanks Ace Dragon, should really start following those SVN logs.

And thats great to hear Kupoman, you and Moguri are doing some awesome stuff for the BGE, so cheers or the update.
Looking forward to testing the new upcoming build.

Great work kupoman, I am checking for new commits everyday!

I`m a little bit sad, that the “GLSL clip patch” did not pass the QA. It is such an important function.

It is confusing that there are clip and crop settings in Blender Game Mode, but has no function.
Could someone recheck the patch and simplify it? Maybe only to the missing clip functions. (no object projection)

^I agree. The texture clip and animation settings seem quite important to me, it’s a shame they don’t work in glsl mode.