Bidirectional interior with Yafaray

Glad to see the BI Render come out so nicely!! So, what we have here is Yayfray needing to step up with a GPU rendering engine pretty quickly, because the “still in development” Cycles (that is only going to leap forward during Mango production) yields comparable results in a fraction of the time.

Very intersting times, and a beautiful sample to test this with!

Nice render, nice details.

where I’ve heard that “warmer feel” argument before?.. ah, yes, from vinyl aficcionados bashing digital CD audio… guess old time tech you’ve grown with will always give a “warmer feel” deep in your heart… :stuck_out_tongue:

The sad crude truth. And that’s even without bidir algorithm (though I heard it’s in the works)…

OTOH, good luck rendering large scenes in 2 GB GPU memory…

dat CARPET :open_mouth: , and dat chair texture o_O

wow!all the renders are equally impressive! pl. can you post light and render settings for blender internal.

Sure! BI was made with a complex node compositing ( lot of IDmasks nodes for improving materials,…). Lighting is quite simple, just one area light on right side, and some Ambiant Occlusion.

Here a comparison between the three renders, in one time :wink:

Cycles ist definitily the best. It has the most colorintensity.

Comments like this only narrow your mind.

Yafaray, BI and cycles are fantastic because they are different and all open source!
If you don’t have time to experiment with all of them that’s fine.
If you want to choose one and stick to it that’s cool.
But let others enjoy the difference.

If everyone had this comment we only had one open source render.
Are you afraid of beeing wrong?
Why thinking about a war between renders?

Rio’s work shows clearly how we can use any of them!
That’s the most important lesson from this thread!
Rio’s makes the difference. Not the software…

Maybe, but we are (still) in a free world where everybody has it’s own opinion and this is just my little opinion from my point of view.

If you feel blocked “enjoying the difference” by my little opinion then I’m sorry.
Who said that I don’t have time to experiment with other renderers ?

If we would have one good, fully featured, economic Open Source Renderer then we woudn’t have V-Ray :wink:

Sure I’am, to many possibilties in this world doesn’t make life easier.

Hopefully there will never be a real war because of Renderers :wink: But sure there is a fight between the commercial Renderers being the best and most wanted. But that’s typical economic behavior of the “homo economicus”.

No doubt about that, not the software, the artist makes a good picture and Rio is a very talented 3D artist !

I hope you don’t feel offendet by any further posts of me.
I guess we both are old enough to view this discussion with a little smile on the face :wink:

Kind regards

You are a nice guy Alain. :yes:
I totally respect your opinion.
In fact, lots of users think what you have just said.
And I agree that it would be perfect to have just one open source render with vray level!:wink:
But that’s not going to happen because the project would inevitably break into several ones…with different algos.
So I think if they are blender render addons, they will be all inside blender for anyone to use and choose the right algo for the right situation.
They are all so cool.
Yafa photon mapping with final gather is unbeatable ( it is in my opinion even better than vray light cache and irradiance map because of the quality/time )
Yafa brute force algos like path tracing are not very good in speed. The quality is nice if you have the time…
Cycles is fantastic but on closed scenes with few and small light sources it will reach a nice result but that’s not a very good choice because of the time needed.
Blender Internal is fun and fantastic because of the flexibility. But you need time to set up the lights and materials to fake everything and its dificullt to have standard solutions. But times are good with correct settings.
So you see, each one have its pros and cons…

P.S.: I like vray too. Don’t get me wrong. Vray is perfect on biased algos. But unbiased algos like bruteforce is not as good as some unbiased algo renders like lux, indigo or even cycles.:yes:

Its beautifull :slight_smile: could you post material settings??(yafaray)

Yes indeed, from this what I see Yafaray has something from commercial renderers like VRAY…
this project must go on!