Challenge #420 (04/03/11) CLOSED

cheers, i just realised what a mish it is to read.
it’s not a quote but is heavily based on various books etc.
trouble is, it doesnt make much sense without it :stuck_out_tongue:
here’s a higher res image if you want it:

i mistook this for “END” of the world, so mine, needs to be redone…i feel so stupid, i made a nuclear bomb with some signs and stuff saying end of the world…i feel so dumb :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, it seems that is is more in the pure category, by general consensus.
Yes, all the modeling was in blender over yesterday.

Workin’ on it. Hope to have time to finish it tomorrow. Damn work.

Edit: new WIP

Added the puppydog, did some texturing. Actually found myself kinda liking the image I’m making. :slight_smile:

I still have a bit I want to do to it. Some more playing with lighting, more stuff in the background, stuff like that.

In the event that I don’t have time, this is my entry. The sign was done in GIMP, the rest is only blender.

Edit: entry image posted

I’m gonna have to call it quits on it I will not have enough time to get anything of substance done before the voting starts.

Still pure. An image texture was used for the ground. GIMP was used to make the text on the sign. Everything else was done with procedural textures.

Last Edit

One more thing, the image is inspired by the cover of the book, “Where the Sidewalk ends” by Shel Silverstein. It was just the first thing to pop into my head when I read “The Edge of the World.”

I’ll probably be entering if I can get the texturing figured out. Lots of entries this week.

I know this is simplistic, all I really have time for. Compositing and I are not getting along. Oh well. Another time.

They are all similar, but I think the planet is best at the top and worst at the bottom, but the water is worst at the top and best at the bottom. If you could take the planet from the first and mix it with the water at the bottom, that would be good. :wink:

I sort of agree, I like the water best on number 3 and probably like planet number 2 because it’s slightly more muted and you can see those squiggles less!

I also wonder about a back rim light for the planet to make it pop?

Here’s my entry. I guess it’s a WIP. It’s called, “The End of the World”.

I tried the back rim light, it looked horrendous. Then again it was without any of the A/O. Ill mess with it later or tomorrow. Im partial to number 3 myself…'cept for the really muted earth. Wish I knew how to do compositing.

Listen, I don’t want to offend anybody, or troll, or be sensational, and the entries are all great. But I was thinking about this topic, and my entry got me to making a model for my best friend that I have been promising her forever. Her favorite thing in the world is an online game called Puzzle Pirates, and I’ve been going to model her a pirate ship of her very own for a long time. The tentacles, the water…it got me started on this. It’s not an entry, I’m just talking about the topic.

Because while I was making the crazy looking Chinese junk boat that came before this one, I was thinking: you know what you would find at the Edge of the World? Intrepid explorers. Specifically, white people.

…what…!?! :eek:

I’m not even talking about the edge of the World. You could say Universe. The edge of time. You even dig yourself into whatever crunchy goodness actually lives and thrives in the hellish innards of the galaxy-crushing black hole and you know what you will find among all those things? That’s right. There’s whitey, poking around and writing stuff down.

So if I could do my whole entry over, I think it would just be a big ol’ crowd of white people, looking all around and taking notes. Where would the rest of them be? At home, watching it on TV.

Like I said, I’m not trying to be racist. I am a white people. I have been my whole life, (even though when they talk about “white people” in America, they don’t particularly mean me). Just thought it was a neat, disturbing, somehow comforting thought on the topic.

So this is not an entry?

This is a non-competing entry

Unless…what…it’s winning?..cause I’m voting for the little kids one so far…? :smiley:

This should NOT COUNT,even though it’s 100% Blender ;). I thought it was hilarious anyways and felt the need to post it. Took me about 90 seconds to make. :eyebrowlift2:

So here’s my entry
I call it-

Nice crust!

*…is he writing something down?

Edit: I just got crazycourier’s joke. Hahlarious!

Well here is mine “He tried to come back”

Very nice work Simon, i think its my favorite so far!

Thanks Wefyb im glad you like it (:

Here is the link to my non-competing entry:


Pure Blender 2.49.


p.s. Here is a larger render (1600x900) for anyone interested.