Dead Cyborg EP1

The blend file is a work of art.

A question: will you donate this project if I make some tutorials.
If yes, what type of tutorials you need?

Hey abc I think that the only way to more people donate on your game is make more people know about it, your game is only on your website what makes it hard to people to know, with tutorials I think that it would be easier to receive the donations because more poeple ll know about your website and more people ll play your game.
Why dont you try to contact blendernation or CGcookie and offer them some kind of deal to make your game be more know, you could create a tutorial about some subject for them and on this tutorial you could talk about your game. I dont know you need to invest time on make people know better what you are doing otherwise it ll be hard for you to receive those donations, at least in my oppinion.

About your question I think that it would be great for you to share your creative view of things, I really liked what youve created for dead cyborg and your other projects, for me it would be nice to see you creating something from scratch.

It also is a good idea to put up YouTube videos. Make an ‘Endi’ channel, and feature the development progress of Dead Cyborg. That’ll get people interested and hyped for it so that when it hits (or even before), they’ll donate. Also, you get subscribers who will be eager and ready to see progress and trailers for your projects - they’ll be notified of the videos that you upload. It’s easy, pretty fun, and it’s a good method of seeing how popular a project is; for example, you could see how long it takes to ‘catch on’.

Yet I have not donated because I have never been into Paypal, I really must change that…
But now that I have played Dead Cyborg Ep.1 (I really don’t know why it took me so long to actually do that!) and several Evidences of you bein’ pretty good at doin’ interestin’ »Sound Art« I wish there was more Sounds in the Game. I am not necessarily talkin’ of Music – I guess that actual Music would not match the initial Idea… but some more Ambient Sounds would be good, because sometimes there is just nothin’ to be heard, and an artistic Complex of ambient Sound Art would really suit the Scenario.
(If you have ever played Blade Runner (the Game) you will understand: )

Ô, but to end this Post with pure Positivity: I love your Art Style, Dead Cyborg definitely is the philosophic Piece of Art that you intended it to be!

Leonn, SolarLune
My game was on Gametrailers, Gamespress and other big pages.

True, but if it was on your own channel on YouTube, you would get fans. People may not even know that you made the game with the BGE, or that you’re just one person making the game (unless GamesPress / GameTrailers / etc. mentioned it). Having the trailers (or development videos) posted on your channel would help you get in touch with fans, especially if you said that you’re currently awaiting x money to develop the rest of the game.

Anyway, the game’s awesome, and I hope you get to continue making games for a living.

Good sir, I would be willing to donate without tutorials!
However, I think it’d be in the best intrests of the BGE community if someone of your skill made some tutorials.
I think you put it best in your blend, where you simply say that game design is your life, your job, your means to and end.

Someone who works like that, knows skills that can only be obtained with hard work.
Some of us want to be fully time game designers, even studied for it, but to see a project as good as this, using the BGE is AMAZING. You should be very proud of what you have accomplised :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link Dhaher, I thought it was a mac browser version, so I skipped it before.

I should donate in the future, I personally have no need for the tutorials. It is of my interest having people knowing of this game and which it was made with bge, it proves the bge is a worthy tool and deserves more attention.

Quite a nice game, I could feel the passion poured over it as I played. Thought I must warn you which alt+f4 is a OS reserved hotkey on mac OSX Lion, so I couldn’t exit the game/return to main menu; also I think it is valid what another player said about how it would be cleaner for just the most current message to appear at the screen bottom(and hiding it after a time amount), I think other ones could go to a ‘dialogs diary’; you could check out in google the inventory from deus ex 1 if you want(how it categorizes things).

My question at the very bottom of post #15 remains unanswered as well.

Good luck with your project.

@ Endi:
How about dvd tutorials about the making of Dead Cyborg for newbie, and sell them to get more money?
Alot of people interested in bge, but there’s not so much dvd tutorials about bge available on market at the moment. AFAIK there is only Yo Frankie Open Game DVD and i don’t know if the tutorials are easy enough to follow for newbies.
Most bge tutorials are free and separated in various topics. None are focused on making a complete game from start until finished.
I’m sure there will be alot of works needed, but well… it’s just an idea.
Or maybe if Dead Cyborg complete tutorials is too much work, perhaps you can just make a simple, neat, but thorough bge dvd tutorials for beginners? A dvd tutorial from Endi, the creator of Dead Cyborg game!

You know, this game sounds really cool! And I understand you’re busy and stuff, but a lot of us have macs and would like to enjoy this game too.

By the way, I saw videos/screenshots, it looks epic. :smiley:

EDIT: Just found your mac test version. :wink:

EDIT: EDIT: Just beat it. :stuck_out_tongue: Thats an awesome game. :smiley: If I had any money I would donate! Good job. :wink:

Looks totally awesome! If you could make tutorials, I’m sure a lot of people would want an inventory tutorial. I can’t seem to find ANY of those. Not one.

Hav to say, this one is the best looking game in Blender! Respect! :smiley:

:smiley: I have just completed the first episode and thoroughly enjoyed it. Initially I was reluctant to download Dead Cyborg because Thought my graphics card wouldn’t be able to handle it, however I found that it works fine as long as I keep it on a lower resolution.

" These are the remains of a poor programmer who thought that making donation-based games was a good idea" While I have and will donate just to see the next episode tutorials even if they are donator exclusive are not a bad incentive . Seeing how well Pissed of Penguins did, an appeal on Kick-starter is definitely not a bad idea as well.

If you were to decide to do tutorials a topic that is not particularly well covered is optimization in the BGE; things like; when and where to use occlusion culling, why merged objects are better than individual objects, only activating lights if the player is nearby, and how to use texture files efficiently.

Anyway loved your first episode and looking forward to the next. :yes:

No, and reason is simple, your attitude.
In some threads you are trolling, in some others you are really elitist type. You despise people who are new with blender and asks about:
Why blender does not have feature X?
How to use feature X correctly?
Where is feature X?

Instead you should point them to right direction by answering their questions because that would help the community most.

I know I am not only one with this opinion, I have seen others also telling these things in threads which you have polluted with your elitism attitude.

Truth is that blender’s some tools are really limited compared to some other software’s tools and of course that also applies other way around. If someone asks about some feature, you don’t need to put that troll mask on and troll his/her thread.

If someone finds about your project and sees your name abc123, this fellow might want to check what kind of forum messages you have wrote to community in hope for professional answers to some questions. But instead of any good answers most of the messages are “we need more features!” which is trolling, but the new individual might take that as serious message.

Okay, that is all. I really hope you start to behave from now on as someone who have managed to make a commercial game with BGE.

I agree with Etana, you do need to act a little more professional if you want more donations! Still a fantastic game though :slight_smile:

Don’t agree with that complaint above. Some people can’t take sarcasm or humor. Also, there are so many people that need to be punched in the shoulder for asking stupid questions that a simple google search or forum search would answer. Also people ask questions in the wrong place even though this website is very obvious about where to post support questions. those people should look into some more basic researching skills before delving into a complex computer art/sim program.

anyways, my question is… Will the site be back up soon? It seems to be completely down right now. I was wanting to test out the browser version as soon as it becomes available (if it does)

The site is down. D: Cant play the online version!

This endi guy is the abc123?

Well a terrible way to express himself, I mean the guy criticise blender that way and then use it on his own game while he could use UDK to make the game for free, well its kind of weird… are those the same guys?

Aniway, even if wrong that doesnt mean that he couldnt ask that, blender is usually giving me a lot of frustrations here and there, specially when the file became big, blender is very unstable for more complex projects and somethimes I get really angry about it! And I made my fair share of stupid comments… but I would keep saying the game is good, he made it for free, doesnt matter if the guy suck his game dont suck, I ll still donating to it.

Blender for me is a great PROFESSIONAL tool, its game engine is weak this is undeniable but it can make quality stuff, but we don t have too many good artists on the comunity, and those that are making crappy things now are never been helped for those who are good now, this is really terrible to see, I posted some of my projects on the work in progress of the rendering section of the forum, I got 1 or 2 comments, this really unmotivates me to make better stuff, there are some guys there that never take the time to say a good thing about other project, they only want someone to chear them up and screw the others.

Aniway I disagree with the idea of beeing rude with other guys on forum(as I said, not that I ve never been rude before) but as long as he doesnt do that again what is the big deal? Lets help him out, imagine yourselfs on his place, I ll launch my game too, and I waisted more than a year allready on it and without the donations that I may(or may not) receive from this comunity I ll be screwed!

Yes, endi and abc123 are the same, though he is not blaming blender but some of his users; he is just being sarcastic, imitating(with some exaggeration) what many new users says or act(or sometimes just saying random stuff), thought that form of critiquing is highly inadvisable/unproductive. Of course that will not stop me from donating to this project and mentioning it to others.

He has a good perception thought to notice that some ask for new features but end up don’t making good use of it, others just take and give nothing back(as leonn said too above) and others blame blenders lack of feature so they can ignore their own lack of skills. As he said, even with the current BGE and an old computer he could make remarkable creations.

I posted some of my projects on the work in progress of the rendering section of the forum, I got 1 or 2 comments

I know what you mean