Demolition 2.5 Official Announcement

First prototype demo:

On a scale of one to ten, that’s a solid !wow!

Great feature! Thanks Kai.

Not Bad , Kai!

Wow, nice to see you already got a prototype :slight_smile:

Donated. Cool prototype. Thank you.

Hi! One question if I may
I’m working on a cave scene, with allot of stalagmites and stalagmites that will need to collapse, collide and destroy the all thing to small rocks.
I’m looking for solutions to this, and stumbled on your project. Would the 2.4 version be able to accomplish this rock collision destruction?

Rogper, i believe you need this script:

Thank you very much FreeMind!
Looks to be exactly what I was loooking for :yes:

Kai, great results in short time, your experience in this area is clearly visible :wink:

Thank you all!

Sounds like an interesting scenario. I’m currently gathering test cases that I would like to see to be solvable with my Demolition system when it’s done. Would you mind to provide a scene file for testing and maybe even for demo purposes later on? So I don’t have to build it myself.

For the question if my or Pildanovak’s script can deal with such a tough effects scene, I’d say I highly doubt it. I think my script needs to much experience and is to slow for this, and the booleans of the Fracture script will probably go crazy on your stalactites and stalagmites.

I don’t want to put your hopes to high, but I think the new system will be able to do it.

@Kai, will your script be able to archive results like Pildanovak’s script? (or even better?)
cause IMHO, that’s a feature/add-on that allot of users would find useful. (especially when integrated with Bullet)

@Kai Kostack,

This is very exciting, I remember seeing some samples of your original script and was quite impressed. This would be an invaluable tool for 2.5. Thanks for all the work you have already done! Donated :slight_smile:


Blenderartists is back up, so it’s time to post my recent progress in a second video:

Blender Demolition - Steel Structures And More

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I depends on how you define “better”. I think it will be better in many ways, especially in terms of speed, flexibility and usability. For me it’s important it can be used for serious visual effects work, even if it doesn’t perform some extravagant booleans yet.

I saw the new video, it’s looking like you’re making pretty good progress, a few points though.

1). The wire in the video of the power lines being bent by the cylinder sees one of the wires going through the cylinder when there’s nowhere else to move, I would think the wire would have to snap somewhere.

2). The first demolition example and the last one was quite nice to watch as well, when, by any chance, will we be able to see procedural fracturing according to something like a voronoi diagram as it would seriously increase the realism (and as far as I have read was a good enough solution for professional-grade demolition because that technique was used in the movie 2012)

3). Will parts of this be integrated with Bullet, I’m asking this because then it can be used for highly destructable environments in BGE games with minimal setup, so people making animations, stills, and games in Blender can all enjoy using this.

Hi Kai!
Thank you for your work!
It looks very interesting and “+1” for that what other said:
Give Blender a “RayFire-Tool” … i´d donate it!

OMG Kai, you’re a genious, looking forward to play with this new toy hehehe.

Voronoi based splitting would be an awesome addition.
also Kai, any thoughts about integrating Bullet with this?

Voronoi based splitting would be nice indeed. Maybe when there is enough funding available in may/june when Bmesh integration will happen according to the Blender Foundation. Supplementary a remove doubles modifier would be an useful addition too.

My thoughts about Bullet or the game engine in general are that Demolition would be needed to be implemented as geometry shader to work efficiently together with todays GPUs. I did some basic testing with fragment shaders and vertex shaders but I found it still to be very cumbersome to work with in Blender. There is no way at the moment to use geometry or vertex shaders together with the shaders generated by Blender. You have to recreate the shaders completely on you own if you want to make use of all shader features, which is kind of crazy I think.

For more detail on my tests with the game engine read this thread:

This issue is still unresolved for me so I postpone any descision making regarding Bullet or the game engine for now and keep focussing on a regular implentation.

Any news for Demolition 2.5 ?
Where we can download the script/addon (for blender 2.57b) for trying?
I’m working in vfx for film with XSI for many years and i’m
alway impressed by what blender and is community developper can do. I think a tearing/demolition feature can be a great addition to blender. More for vfx then for the game-engine I think. Blender did correct fluids , amazing smoke but molecular matter simulation is missing.

thanks a lot and hope to see new stuff from your amazing works.