Demolition 2.5 Official Announcement

Something new ?
I want to know if we can download the work in progress plugin somewhere to test and play with it ?

thanks and hope you continue your good work !

I did a little pause but started back to work on it 2 or 3 weeks ago. I’m currently testing my recent self-collision developments on some huge scenes to pinpoint problems and instabilities. I also hope to get a new video done soon. I have to do some further work on memory management and the GUI to make it releasable, it’s still crashing here and there.

Thank you for the news Kai!
I’m exited to see new video soon!

Here is the new video just in time. :wink:

Youtube: Blender Demolition - Case Study: World Trade Center
Vimeo: Blender Demolition - Case Study: World Trade Center

Great job (sad event) but terrific reference to test the settings against. I can see this tool getting a good work out in the next open movie!

wow… really amazing, great work:)

wow …amazing!

That looks awesome! Will be crazy when adding some particles and smoke on top of that!

I’m really down on money right now, but after seeing that test I just had to donate something, wish it could be more. Can’t wait to follow your progress and eventually use it in Blender! Great work, Kai!


this is really outstanding - the deformation look very believable and not filled with artifacts.

Wahnsinn Man - Hut ab!

hm, I m looking forward to test your work

I’ve done a small donation, your code is very needed.
Good Luck! I Hope you release it soon :wink:

Kai, your latest video is really amazing! Is there any news to this project?

Keep up the awesome work!

Thank you all!

No news for now, but I’m heading for a first release, slowly but surely. :slight_smile:

Wow. That is amazing work.

Wow, amazing work man. Keep it up, I can’t wait to give this a try :smiley:

video looks quit nice
the best i’v seen up to now anyway

by the way i began working on the Buildings for 911
but my interest was more to analyse the electrical system in these building

is the model you got for the tower free and available for blender
but as you said this is something like 12 GB in size which is too big i guess for normal blender !

are you going to do it in cycles may be?

nice work man

happy blender

+1 to all of the above, very impressive demonstration. Great work can’t wait to get playing with it!

Thank you all!

The base model used for the simulation is rather simple, it consists only of the necessary structural elements for the simulation like the core, ceilings and exterior wall elements. What makes it that large for rendering is additional subdivision and displacement textures applied for detail.

This isn’t a very accurate model at all, since I built it in a way that it would work nicely for the simulation and nothing more. So your model is probably in much better shape than mine.

I did a short test with Cycles but, you guessed it, I have not enough GPU memory. :wink:
It works ok with lower subdivision but then it looks ugly.

The latest demo looks awesome! Keep it up, Kai!

well if there is not enough memory

i would say take a chance and make a bug report for cycle
and see what you get as an answer !

they might do something about it !
i mean memory management problem may be !

happy cycles