(Dinosaur Contest) Carnotaur

before add detail , you can work and define better the anatomy .
that would my opinion

Hmm, I don’t see anything wrong with the anatomy. Could you be more specific?

the jaw area . i see it very weak

  • the eyes nearby don’t have definition
  • the neck looks don’t have form looks more rectangular.

Thanks, I will try to improve those.

I agree with Alekzsander about the jaw and neck, they seem a little shapeless at the moment, but you can probably fix that easily :slight_smile: Well done!

Well, it’s been a hideously long time since I’ve updated, and, I’m afraid to say, I haven’t been working very hard on this. As a matter of fact I also have projects for spaceships, owls and rabbits that demand most of my time. (Note to any inexperienced Blenderers: DON’T get yourself into a dozen projects at a time, because believe me, you will never finish one!! :no: ) I’ve done most of the sculpting, but nonetheless I was discontent because my model lacked a fierce look. I was looking on google images, and then, out of the blue, there came:

Damir G. Martin’s carnotaur model, front and side!!

I couldn’t let the opportunity pass so I adjusted my model to fit it and now I think I have a good balance of realism and ferocity. Here’s how it’s coming:

The most noticeable changes are around the head and feet, and I’m much more pleased with this.

Textured and rigged! I’m very nearly done with him, thank goodness, as the competition ends like tomorrow. =/ Okay not quite. But all that remains is to animate him and finish the spikes that you can see in progress on his left side.


Huge changes, and much more realistic result IMO. Go Joe!

Thanks! Whoa, my name is actually Joe…creepy. =)

Wow, that is so much better! It just needs a bit more sculpt detail (I assume you sculpted it) on the arms and legs (especially the feet), as they look a little plain atm.

But truly that’s an excellent Carnotaurus! Well done and good luck in the competition :smiley:

Proud of ya man… you actually didn’t make excuses like some people do and stick with a poorly done model. You actually went in there, tweaked it, learned and came out with something 100x better. Sure, it needs more sculpt work, texture work and stuff like that, but the overall effort is great. Good job man.

Carnotaurus: Mean Machine of Mass Carnation.

He’s done! In terms of technical aspects of the model itself, this project is finished. Animating him has almost killed me. About 10 days after my latest post my inspiration plummeted and I almost stopped working on it, when I realized that it doesn’t have to be a long animation to get the bonus credit in the competition. So I’ve decided to enter it where it is now and finish the animation later, and in the meantime take a break to do an entry for the BG competition and stuff like that.


Here’s the render. Pretty similar to the last one, only he’s in an environment, I gave him some dragon breath (who knows what THAT smells like…:eek:) and overall he’s more awesome than before.

AND the animation: