
Brilliant work! I love it :slight_smile:

fantastic, but the between the water and the (sand) in the foreground it looks not that good

Wow, brilliant stuff! An excellent mood to the piece, brilliantly executed.

Hey, you should post that up on ConceptArt.org, too! :yes: Tell ‘em BlenderNation sent ya’!

Wow, that is quite an amazing piece of work.

Excellent work! I always like seeing unique environments. It pulls me right in!

This is really nice. Very cinematic.

Fantastic scene. And I love the touch of the biohazard trefoil on the beach.

Well done. Is this for a game or matte? Compositionally, its all headed left, which is in itself somewhat dazzling. Would love to see what parts are Blender. Thanks.

great mood in this image, well done! the only crit of me is the not so great looking grass :frowning:
except that: perfect!


Made me think of bladerunner right away

sooooo awesome

Beautiful, considering the subject :slight_smile:

Awesome! Looks fantastic!

Quite epic. Color harmony is really atmospheric. It would look nice as a matte-painting animation.

Very atmospheric…

The light on the hazard sign lower left is a nice touch.

i say … “PUT THIS IN THE GALLERY”… how many people agree with me!!! :smiley:

Here is a good news about this picture: It has been selected for the well-known ballistic publishing’s book “EXPOSE 10” !


Thanks everyone for your support !

amazing :smiley: