female Elissa (nudity)

No this thread is not dead, although it hasn’t been updated for a while…

I just have learning the animation system a bit when modelling my Squeek character. (The search function will lead you to this thread)

Now it is maybe back time to tweak my Elissa a little bit more and after that starting with the rigging… but I’ll take my time.

FOr now, just some small updates (I don’t know I you even notice them, but I certainly do:-)

C&C welcome ofcourse!


New update, worked on the stomach and chest.
(underwear is temporary)


Do I get to be the first one who thinks that either the rear is way too wide y-wise, the hips are too large x-wise and/or that the stomach seems to have been squashed with a corset of doom?

Also, your proportions seem to be a bit off there. I think average person is about 7-8 head lengths tall but that varies, just a general observation.

Thanks Jim9137. I don’t see much comments coming… Anyone if you notice something please tell me.

Things I’ve now corrected:

  • Made the hips smaller
  • Checked proportions body length and they seem to be ok I think, about 7-8 heads as Jim9137 said
  • Made the Y shape of the butt a little less
  • Moved the head more to the front (y-axis) and made the neck a little less stiff

Here are some viewport shots, anyone let me know your thoughts!


Hi there!

Working again on Elissa:-) well I’ve been playing with proportions and improved the body. The butt looked a little sacked down and the chest/stomach looked indeed a little squashed. I think it now looks a lot better as you can see in the animated GIF below (OLD and NEW situation)

I need nore critique / comments…

Thanks again Jim9137… I guess it now looks better at the point you noticed?


Definite improvement there, but there is still few odd things in the model. I’m no anatomy expert though, and it’d seem like most of the problems are more of nature I do not wish to dwell on.

It seems like though, that there is funny crease on the side of her. At least that’s the way it looks on the rotating image serie you have posted there, in the second picture you can see it pretty clearly. ALSO, your muscle structrure on the legs seem to be a bit off/lacking. Try to find a muscle reference sheet to see what I mean, or just look at highly worked up girlies on fineart.sk, a site which you should study hard.

The hands look a bit small as well, most of the people have their hands reach to their eyebrows/half-forehead when put up against it straight, starting from the end of the palm. Try it, you could be amazed.

The ahem, boobs and face look good to me though, as well as the general shape of the model. Abdomen/groin area seems to catch my eye the most (DING!), but I just can’t say if there is something wrong with it.

Good job, nevertheless.

It seems like though, that there is funny crease on the side of her. At least that’s the way it looks on the rotating image serie you have posted there, in the second picture you can see it pretty clearly. ALSO, your muscle structrure on the legs seem to be a bit off/lacking. Try to find a muscle reference sheet to see what I mean, or just look at highly worked up girlies on fineart.sk, a site which you should study hard.

Hey Jim9137, you are totally right… I think I have to put some effort into working the crease. I already tried it once, but maybe I just have to many verts at the side, mmm I’ll have a look.

About the leg-muscles, I’ll have a look. I tried not to overdo the muscles in the legs, but maybe they need to be defined a little better as you say. I’ll give it try.

So I guess she’s not looking ugly 8)

Thnx man.

PLease let the comments flow… if anyone has some, I’d love to hear them from you!

Please comment on above renders, the one below is just for fun.

I’ve played for 5 minutes with making 3D analglyphs, you can use red-blue glasses to view the picture below :


[none constructive comment - removed by admin.]

Working on the legs… trying to define things slowly…


There’s a funky ‘bump’ in the feet, about the midway up to the ankle. It doesn’t look like it belongs there, I’m under the impression the feet are more concave than convex in nature in either case. I suppose it could vary from person to person.

I think those are supposed to be the bones of the ankle. In which case I think they are slightly high for an ankle bone. Here is a reference pick.

Hey Streen, nice ref pics. I already reduced the bump Jim was talking about, so I hope it’ll be better.
I was working on the feet to improve them a bit and the reference helps.

I’ll post a new update soon… but I haven’t had much time yet to do much.

I downloaded the MakeHuman SSS script and started playing:-)
I also made the hands a little larger.



I definitely prefer the none SSS one. The SSS is too extreme, it needs to be much softer, I’d leave it and use compositing to achieve a better effect.

Looks good other than that.


Hey Wim,

Elisa looks right jeje. I’m also suprised about the progress of your work. As I’m seeing you have yet some useful inputs about anathomy&modeling, I have nothing to add but a “Gold Rule” in “muscleing” a body: No one of the human body curves is convex (considering convexity from out of the body, or concavity innerly). You have all things about this right in your Elisa, but perhaps unconsciously.

The apparently convex curves in an human body are a set of small muscles/fat (for example in the neck, behind the legs,…) which shapes under the skin.
No more comes from a fine arts student astounded with his useless artistic learning :slight_smile:

The SSS takes it in the right direction, but I agree with Glaurung that you have it set too strong.

“…for [‘Scattering’ of] the human skin often the most suitable values are 0.1-0.2…”

I am sure you have noted the above which is from dedalo-3d.com (The Makehuman + SSS website) so I’m guessing that your ‘Power’ setting is too high.

Thanks for the comments!

Here are some new updates :

  • worked a little on the feet
  • played some more with the MakeHuman SSS script

I used a power setting of 1.000, which is the minimum and also the scattering is set to the minimum 0.100. (Btw, previous renders are also rendered withth e minimum… only things was the AO was enabled and set to strong + I had rampcolors defined on Elissa…)

Without SSS:

With SSS:

The feet:

Blocky looking toes, in my honest opinion. :slight_smile: And the uh, ‘calcaneous’ looks a bit weird as does the general shape…

Mmm, stil too blocky Jim9137…, I’ll look in to that. thnx. The feet need a little more work yep.

Here a render in which I manually twtisted vertices around just for fun :
(dim light)
