[Finished] Ex Machina - Character practice

I love the pod texturing ,
nice work,

this is absurdly cool Minoribus. This is really really nice work. Your modeling is superb, and you really keep improving everything in every way. keep it up, friend

Wow, thanks for your kind compliments, guys :slight_smile:

An insight of the experiments was, that I’ll need the whole character and so I continued with some modeling. And here she is. The mechanics of the legs aren’t done yet. And I don’t have an idea for some footwear at the moment. But we will see.

Happy days more updates! the hard surface tops of the legs look really nice, I know you haven’t done the mechanics for lower down but I think you might need to be careful with the transparent material lower down as it could like like stockings :slight_smile: on the arms my brain accepts it as it is as there is no real world correlation I guess and it all works for me, on the legs at the moment I can’t help thinking hot pants and stockings because of the cut off and pattern which is probably more or a sad reflection on me than the image :slight_smile: I wonder if perhaps hard surface for the bottom half? love the rubber join that would look really cool if you did go hard surface around the back of the knee etc.

Will be interesting to see what you come up with next and what others think, it’s still epic regardless :slight_smile:

wow this is amazing!

Really interesting approach on the modeling. I do agree with Ummi that in it’s current state it resembles fishnet stockings. I’ll hold off until I see what it looks like once the mechanics are placed inside. In some ways it’s a cool concept of having kind of a sexy looking robot, that back view almost takes on a thong like appearance.

Maybe your on to something Minoribus, you could easily change the theme at this stage to a more adult scifi theme. :slight_smile:

Umii, cgstrive and Harleynut, thank you!

Good point with the stockings and underwear in general. That wasn’t my intention, but I can follow your point easily. And I had doubts myself that maybe it is to hot. My original reference is dressed in a similar pattern and I was hoping for the inner mechanics to reduce that impression.

For the legs I’ve collected references of prosthetic legs from Ottobock (http://ottobockus.com) and Ossur (http://www.ossur.com/americas/). Cool stuff as far as you can say that about a limb replacement. But these companies are producing fantastic high tech items.

STOCKINGS: Did someone mention stockings and three inch heels. #67 has a haunting feeling and suggest she could be the theme in several illustrations. When animation becomes to much of a chore for man and machine. I agree with Umii and Harley on their considerations.

I’m trying to visualize the ‘Breastplate’ and shorts made out of the perforated material and the robotics of arms and legs completely open. But, what might read well at five feet can be at twenty feet a complete bust. And, speaking of the distance you are probably doing four material choices in the same viewport. Then rendering at 1080p. Finally The Titan and 1080p! :slight_smile: Looking good and moving right along.

The full body model looks amazing minoribus! I love all the details in this model as well as the texturing. It’s starting to look very photoreal!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ghost and solowy. I appreciate your feedback and I’m taking it seriously.

Ghost, here is a version with only the transparent hull. It shows the inner systems nicely and it’s an interesting approach also. But it has a bit of a snake costume in my eyes. It would need more parts of the skeleton for the breast and the hips, of course. Could be really scary.

But let me play some more with the original idea. I want to see how it looks with the lower limb skeleton. Therefore I modeled the lower leg according to the references above. I must say that this item gave me some headaches, because I had to make it in some way similar to the look of the arms. Hence I gave it some cutout areas.

And I gave it some quick materials from my library - just for fun. It’s not necessarily the final material selection.

The lower leg model is looking great. The topology is very clean! Regarding the material, although it’s not final it might be better to use the same type of material color as the parts of the arm and chest just to have consistency throughout the model. Overall looking good though!

That is looking amazing in my book and so is the material. I obviously didn’t think my comment through about removing the breastplate and shorts. Now my suggestion would be simply remove the legs from the shorts. Or, shorten the legs up by about 75% or so. Yeah, this lower leg is nothing short of amazing work to me. Since modeling is not my forte by any means. Looking good!

The leg model is looking fantastic, she’s quickly becoming the 2015 version of the bionic women :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, guys.

I worked on the upper leg and made some material studies. I think the “hot pants and stockings appearance” is resolved now.

You really get a better appreciation for the great details you have put into this when you click for the larger view. The new body clothing of course rules her out for the 2015 Sports Illustrated bathing suit cover :slight_smile:

I was thinking you have a lot of unused real estate in the stomach area. I wonder what powers these robots? You could experiment with adding some type of battery packs, maybe even with some glowing lights or something, in that area… just thinking out loud.

Very cool work, Very impressive

Yes, you are right, Harleynut :slight_smile: The middle section still needs some attention. And in my reference there are a lot of cables and some emissive materials. I thought to do something similar.

squidmole, thank you very much :slight_smile:

Today I modeled the feet. These are based on real prosthetic feet and they will perhaps be coated by artificial feet of rubber - but I’ll have to experiment with this later.

Your robot is looking great, minoribus! I think the new “clothing” design is good, and the white color helps to break up the model and make it more interesting. I like the composited interior shots you’ve created, as well! They feel very cinematic.

I have been thinking about designing a real exoskeleton, for disabled people using blender, and printing it from a 3d printer, and then fitting in Fat boy special bike cables as tendons, and some sort of bank of servo motors and gears to power it all,

then I thought… with wireless charging now… and bluetooth, could it not have wires at all?

just a coil here, and a receiver and battery for each piece?

would make assembly trivial.


That is a interesting idea Harley has. You are showing remarkable constraint. I would probably have the breastplate and shorts that copper toned material in #70. As our Texas buddy says; ‘This is looking way cool’.