Help us to help you

ive notice there hasnt been a post here 4 a year

Yeah you’re right. BUMP HAHA.

It can’t be bumped, noob, it’s a sticky! durr

Yes, I did indeed just quote myself.

nua uhhhh…

@neil89: I cant answer you this question, but i think you should read some Tuts about that, i also did! Some are VERY helpful…

I also agree to the starter of this thread! its also helpful for others who are asking the same questions so they dont have to make multiple Threads to 1 question…

I am an absolute beginner doing the ‘My first animation, GUS’. When I insert a new lamp and/or hemi and track it to GUS, Gus ends up at an angle perpendicular to the last light source I tracked it too. This did not happen when I tracked the camera to him. Am I doing something wrong? This is what I am doing.
With lamp selected, I then box select Gus and press ctrl T - Trackto constrain. Gus then leans back at about a 60 degree angle facing the light source. Please help. I am close to rendering and am pretty excited about finishing my first animation but would like it done properly. Thanks.

l have visited this Posts and l Support your viewpoint…

self-introduce:I like to play World of Warcraft, wow gold is virtual currency by wow, it is hard to obtain, so cheap wow gold is being welcomed by players, I often buy wow gold and wow power leveling to raise my characters Fighting capacity.I say these things in order that make more friends with wow fans here.

I have a slight problem i’d like to voice (and please forgive me if I’m posting in the wrong place)
I’ve been playing around with blender off and on for about two years now, and i’m not going to say i;m good at all. Far from it.

I’m currently working on a floating city and have made a kind of gold cathedral in a different scene. I want to put my cathedral in my floating city, and i was wondering if it was possible to somehow save the cathedral as something in the tool box to pull up in another scene.

please reply

Check out my signature for free help

I am to support the! ~

Thank you man.

This is exactly what I joined the forum for.


This should not be a ‘‘suggestion’’ – It should be a requirement with penalty of having all offending posts removed. I really wish people would keep it in mind, others will follow with the same issue and a good descriptive subject line helps emmensely when skimming for a solution. Oh, by the way, the subject of this thread is ‘‘Help us to help you’’ so it does not help to post comments that do not apply to that subject directly. Comments that are not relevent should be kept to oneself.

Some real help, speaking of help. I noticed one comment about the resident search. I have to say, like all forum searches it sucks. (Can I say that? It does suck.) The problem is not exclusive to this site. All forum searches suck!

Ok, so its really easy to point out a weakness. How about a solution. I found a great solution, but first let me define the real problem. It seams all forum searches pre-decide what your search should be. Vague and indescriminant. If you want to know ‘‘where is the mesh tools’’ the forum search will often cut out any word less than 4 characters, and it will often cast out any words it deems to be “too common”. Ok so the words ‘‘where’’ or ‘‘mesh’’ might be commonly used in many posts so lets get rid of that, and the words ‘‘is’’ and ‘‘the’’ are too short so lets blow those away too. Now your search term has been reduced to the word ‘‘tools’’ and gets you 10,000 hits. Worthless!!! So what is the solution?

Go to Google. Google is your friend. Learn how to use Google for all your forum searches. First let me say the example I gave above may not be the best. I did not try it per say, but I have seen very poor search results here as well as other forums. Lets just go with the above example. Go to Google and try to assemble your search term as you might find it in a thread. Start with the exact question. Some people actually use the exact phrase when they post their subject line. You want to put the whole question inside quotes and always put a + plus sign in front of the quote to emphasize importance. Like so:

+‘‘where is the mesh tools’’

If that does not give any hits then try diffenent tense:

+‘‘where are the mesh tools’’

If that does not give any hits then break it down some:

+‘‘where are the’’ +‘‘mesh tools’’

And keep breaking it down, changing tenses and moving the quotes until you get the hits you are looking for:

+‘‘where are" the +’‘mesh tools’’
+‘‘where is’’ the +‘‘mesh tools’’
+‘‘where mesh tools are found’’

Google is not biased about the length of the words, or how common they are, and Google scans all websites and all forums so if the answer is in any forum then Google will find it. Oh, speaking of which, it does help a lot if you want to search a specific forum to add the product name to your search, like so:

+‘‘blender’’ +‘‘where is the mesh tools’’
+‘‘blender’’ +‘‘where are the mesh tools’’
+‘‘blender’’ +‘‘where are the’’ +‘‘mesh tools’’
+‘‘blender’’ +‘‘where are" the +’‘mesh tools’’
+‘‘blender’’ +‘‘where is’’ the +‘‘mesh tools’’
+‘‘blender’’ +‘‘where mesh tools are found’’

Google is the best ‘‘forum search’’ anywhere. Try it and you will soon find it runs circles around any resident forum search. Another good thing about this Google search method is you will never be prompted for that annoying captcha verification :slight_smile:

is there a undo button or something for wjen i mess up

hi theeth,

i have a small doubt in Blender.i am maya artist.
in maya its very easy fill a face if there is any holes in a mesh.but in blender i found that when i do the fill hole option with shift+f key the face which is created is triangulated.why is it so ? or is that the proper way of filling a hole ???


★当裤子失去皮带,才明白什么叫做依附。 ★款式化自己,就是为了删除你! ★扑灭友谊的方法有很多,最彻底的一种是乞贷。 ★连结芳华的法门,是有一颗不安本分的心。 ★什么是浪漫?就是明知她不喜好你,仍然送99朵玫瑰花给她。什么是挥霍?便是明知她喜欢你,还送99朵玫瑰花给她。 ★有钱的捧个钱场,没钱的回家取点钱来捧个钱场。 ★能够说出的冤屈,便不算委曲;可以或许抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 ★同样的一瓶饮料,方便店里2块钱,五星饭馆里60块。不少时候,一个人的价值取决于地点的地位。 ★男人最怕被他人说小,女人最怕被别人说老。 ★求而不得,舍而不克不及,得而不吝,这是人的最大的悲恸。 ★你了解我时,我不认识你;你喜欢我时,我认识你;你爱上我时,我喜欢你;你离开我时,我爱上你。 ★幸福是个比力级,要有工具垫底才觉得失去。 ★一句“拿着"赛过十句“我会给你的"。 ★做与不做的最大差别是:后者领有对前者的评论权。 ★有些事,明知是错的,也要去对峙,因为不甘愿宁可;有些人,明知是爱的,也要去抛却,因为没了局;偶然候,明知没路了,却还在前行,因为风俗了。 ★他周到,那是他方才爱上你;他鸠拙,那是他深深爱着你;他从容,那是他已厌倦你。 ★偶然要转头看看,不然永久都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了甚么。 ★话说进来以前你是话的客人,说出去之后你便成了话的仆从。 ★地球是活动的,一小我私家不会永远处在倒楣的地位。 ★男子的任务神圣而刚强:一是扞卫故国!二是听本身女人的话! ★当我们相信自己对这个世界曾经相称紧张的时候,实在这个世界才刚刚筹备包涵我们的稚子。 ★影象像是掌内心的水,岂论你放开仍是紧握,终于照旧会从指缝中一滴一滴流淌洁净。 ★不怕讨债的是好汉,就怕负债的是真穷。 ★小时间觉得自己的父亲不简略,厥后觉得自己不简单,再后来觉得自己的孩子不简朴,小学1-6年级所有的新诗 全部的数学公式 - Qzone日记。 ★男人和妻子的干系再差,和岳母的关系也是好的;女人和老公的关系再好,和婆婆的瓜葛也是差的。 ★人犯过错,泰半是该用真情时太甚动脑筋,而在该用头脑时又太感情用事。 ★自在不是做你想做的,而是可以不做你不想做的。 ★最可骇的糊口不是本日不知道来日诰日怎么,而是如今就看到了自己一辈子的全体,并且无奈扭转。 ★对一个朋侪信托的深浅,不是看你会不会对他笑,而是看你愿不肯意当着他的面哭。 ★世界不会在乎你的自尊,人们看的只是你的造诣。在你不成绩曩昔,切勿太过夸大自负。――比尔盖茨 ★只有守得住机密的人才气得到更多的秘密。 ★男人不能说不可,女人不能说任意。 ★当你的眼泪不由得要流进去的时候,睁大眼睛,万万别眨眼,你会看到天下由清楚到含糊的全历程。 ★生存,是用来谋划的,而不是用来计算的。情感,是用来维系的,而不是用来磨练的。 ★女人分结婚与不结婚两种,男人分志愿结婚与被迫完婚两种。 ★人生为棋,你必须了解的行车灯语 - Qzone日志,我愿为卒,举措虽慢,可谁见我都市退却一步。 ★装傻这事,要是干的好,就叫大智若愚;木讷这事,如果干的好,就叫深厚。 ★在究竟眼前,咱们的想像力愈加达,结果就越不胜假想。 ★人有三样东西无法掩饰:咳嗽、贫苦和爱,越想遮盖,就越掩人耳目。 ★脑壳空没关系,枢纽是不要进水。 ★不要畏惧勾引,你抵抗了它,说明你是个坏人;抵制失败了,阐明你已经是个坏蛋…… ★骆驼不流泪是因为它知道水的宝贵;女孩不堕泪是因为尚未找到值得流泪的人。 ★失恋时,即便瞥见两条直直的铁轨,也会情不自禁地把它设想成两行泪痕,流向天涯。 ★罗马人凯撒大帝,威震欧亚非三大陆,临终报告酒保说:“请把我的双手放在棺材表面,让众人看看,巨大如我凯撒者,身后也是两手空空。" ★当一个人谁都不爱的时候,他就能爱上身旁的任何一个人。 ★所谓情话,就是你说了一些连自己都不相信的话,却但愿对方相信。 ★一个成熟的人往往察觉能够求全谴责的人愈来愈少,因为大家都有难处,◆◇ 丶写给爱人丶 … - Qzone日记。 ★脱离我就别劝慰我,要晓得每一次补缀也会遭受穿刺的痛。 ★时尚很轻易,让你的装金饰的代价凌驾你的内涵价值,你就时尚了。 ★你可以用自己不喜欢的方式赚到财产,也可以用自己不信赖的药治好疾病,但你无法从自己不爱的人身上取得幸福。 ★女性在全部礼品中,以为花朵最有价值是因为:男性在送花给女性的时候必需降服那种把花拿在手上走在街道上的羞怯感觉。 ★男人之间最繁重的话题就是说到自己的女人,而男人之间最轻松的话题,就是说到别人的女人。 ★常识是一种使求知者吃得越多越以为饿的食粮。 ★站在山顶和站在山脚下的两人,固然职位地方差别,但在对方眼里,同样的眇小。 ★使我们烦懑乐的,都是一些芝麻大事,我们可以躲闪一头大象,却躲不开一只苍蝇。 ★荣幸之神的到临,每每只是由于你多看了一眼,多想了一下,多走了一步。 ★所谓玉人三分长相七分梳妆;所谓气质三分才华七分装蒜;所谓和顺三分谦让七分克制。 ★哲学家不是法定的,当你想统一件事变超过5分30秒,你就成为了哲学家。 ★男人戒烟就跟女人减肥同样,永远都有明天。 ★恋爱有时很像醉酒的感觉,脑子明显是苏醒的,但举动就是不受节制。 转载自 3136464 2010年04月16日 15:41 浏览(loading…) 批评(0) 分类:资料 |返回日记列表

无锡将全面加强湖泛巡查应急处置,小区咨询停车折扣遭质疑 一次性缴纳11个月可享受整年泊车待遇太湖水环境综合治理任重道远,今年治太义务仍然艰难。为切实推动太湖水传染治理工作,无锡市水利局于日前明白了2010年太湖治理的年度目的,2010年,该局将全面增强湖泛巡视应急处理,持续发展太湖生态清淤,迷信实施调水引流,深刻推行“河长制”治理,着力实施六项太湖水环境综合管理重点项目。一是实现梅梁湖生态清淤2009年度工程,清淤面积约9.635平方公里,完成清淤土方约281万破方米。二是加快藻水分离站及管道建设,6月底前完成并投运2座1000吨固定藻水分别站。三是实行走马塘拓浚延长无锡市境内工程,共39公里,石灰浆泵,认准上海钛龙品牌,需者可呼O21-33510l77。2010年完成拓浚长度10公里。四是完成环城古运河(二期)综合整治工程,综合整治8公里河道,清淤50万立方米,加固修整驳岸7公里、新建850米,建设污水管道8700米,泵站改革12站,新建4座。五是加快小流域综合管理,抓好13条重要入湖河流综合整治工作,不锈钢变频泵。六是督促做好苏南运河的综合整治,名目总数120项。 Just ask any question from noob questions to pro questions!!!

  • Qzone log,belstaff on sale | Back to logs list 39475449 2009 年 05 月 28 日 22:05 Reading (loading. …) Comments (6) Category: Personal Diary tag afraid published cancel | Back to logs list

Undo is Ctrl-Z, Redo is Ctrl-Shift-Z (may not work as expected in all circumstances).

For the fill question, what version of Blender are you using? Shift-F is fly mode in Blender 2.5, with Alt-F being fill. Shift-F looks to have been fill back in 2.49. In either case, you should be able to do Alt-J after to convert those tris into quads.

A have been reading a lot of threads and noticed that tons are already SOLVED, but still has not clicked on the SOLVED button hiding in the Thread tools tab, it would be a good idea to encourage people to go back to their threads and click SOLVED if their posts are already SOLVED.

I dont know if it is because they just dont find this tab, it took me a while to figure it out where this option was after posting a new thread. Since i just found it and went ahead and switch my threads to SOLVED, well, this is just personal experience.

Let’s do something about this guys. It will show better how the network works.