How do you feel about the 3D cursor? Should it's future blossom, mutate, or decay?

The 3D cursor is allright.
But it needs more functionality. Like, grabbing it, for example. Hiding it when you don’t need it could also be a good thing.

It is not a primary function by far and shouldn’t be on the most primary button of the computer.

What? why grab the 3D cursor??? it is placed with LMB quite easily, and hiding it is completely irrelevant, unless you are painting tiny cylindrical candy canes, then it might throw you off, otherwise you can ignore it. I did not vote, but 3D cursor stays, and I am actually annoyed by this thread…again.

Because with grab you can move it in any axis you want, precisely.

kill the cursor I hate it I hate it haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

it the best part of Blender 3d view I wish more 3d programs had a 3d cursor or a snap manipulator like silo

Same here!
Only times I place it by clicking, it’s so I could snap it to grid.

I might be wrong, but I believe that’s how modo works.
and +1 off course… :slight_smile:

again, perhaps I’ve misunderstood how the work-plane works,
but same thing can basically be achieved with the ‘Local’ coordinates, no?

It would be something like this although with transparency and no limits at the sides:

There the grease pencil strokes can be drawn over the plane we set, no matter what point of view we have. In some cases would be good to have the freedom to change point of view while keep drawing over the same plane. Also gives better sense of where the plane of the cursor is placed.

And in the case of extrusion verts, or verts snapping, I’m not sure if with just local coordinates it would be that simple (or interactive in real-time / one step) to set an arbitrary plane.

Oh this discussion again…

There’s a big pool this time. Where’s my cocktail?

brings drinks & snacks

All set! :slight_smile:

That would be Modo’s Automatic action center. The action center is at the center of your selection and can be moved elsewhere by dragging the center point or right clicking in the spot you want it. The action center/action axis system in Modo is so wonderful.

Wait a minute. Aren’t you one of those Blender fanboys who were defending this 3d cursor thing like it was the best invention since slice bread? And as soon as there’s an option to change it, you’re the first to take advantage of it?

Moral lesson of the story: Don’t bash complainers. They would rule the world for the better.

3D cursor is a must! People who don’t see that got to be blind.

Nobody says it’s not needed. All 3d apps have it. It’s called pivot or action center in other apps. The issue is it should not be defaulted to the LMB click. It’s silly. LMB is for selecting objects and other basic, obvious functions. Michael W’s remapping is just right. LMB drag is also for select-drag; clicking empty space desselects the selection. And Ctrl-Shift+LMB for relocating the cursor is also logical. Anything that makes you avoid placing it somewhere accidentally, which even the most experienced users find annoying.

I would not merge the 3d courser with the 3d widget.

both serve different areas. while the widget can be located at the 3d courser when the 3d courser is the pivote point
the 3d courser also functions as an object insertion position and also as a snap to with multiple combinations.

I would love to be able to more however the 3d courser with a widget on its own while you can do this with changing
the x,y,z values by hand.

  					I would not merge the 3d courser with the 3d widget.

both serve different areas. while the widget can be located at the 3d courser when the 3d courser is the pivote point
the 3d courser also functions as an object insertion position and also as a snap to with multiple combinations.

I would love to be able to more however the 3d courser with a widget on its own while you can do this with changing
the x,y,z values by hand.

Have you tried Silo? Silo combines the 3d courser and multiplier in a elegant work flow.

No not yet to be honest - I never touched it.

The 3d cursor is perfectly functional as-is. One can always re-map how one moves it; yer never gonna satisfy everyone on the key / button choices.
Granted, as I’ve been using Blender now for years, to the exclusion of most other apps, I can’t claim familiarity with how the others do it these days; but I know of no other app that has the functionality of Blender’s 3D cursor. When I first came to Blender, I did indeed find the 3D Cursor confusing and at times annoying. Now that I understand what it’s for and how to use it, I would be rather annoyed to go back to NOT having a 3D cursor – not that that’s what the poll is asking :wink: … I see no need to change how it works. You can place it by mouse click, by snap, or by explicit numerical entry. What more do you really need? A manipulator? Personally, I hate the manipulators, and almost always have them turned off. I suppose adding in a manipulator for those who want it wouldn’t hurt, but change nothing else about it please.
I would be curious to see statistics on what app(s) people who want the cursor changed are coming from … Blender isn’t other 3D apps, it is Blender. One must get used to it, and when one does perhaps one will stop wanting Blender to change to fit the mold of the other 3D apps … :smiley:

Hmm, you should check your facts…

I defend blenders right to have its own defaults unique unto itself… I offered my keymap at that time to the complainers as the evidence that the solution is in their hands… there’s only one thing worse than someone complaining about defaults and that’s being misrepresented…

And no I’m no fanboy, just someone that uses blender a lot for real projects that customises it to my needs.

fwiw, the 3d cursor is a great innovation… makes rigging accurately a breeze…

so don’t call me “fanboy”

I don’t get where the bashing was, Micheal W offered a constructive work-around. No good deed goes unpunished I guess… I can guarantee you he’s no “fanboy” either, but whether you think he is or isn’t doesn’t matter… he’s entitled his opinion just as any other and it’s no more or less important then anyone else thoughts on the matter.

Scary how serious business the 3D cursor is.

Like I’ve said I’ve been in a lot of forums. Blender as you know is not the only existing app. We have all kinds ranging from 2d editors, CAD, nurbs apps, etc. Most of the requested additions in many of these forums are options. What is annoying is when someone request for options he’s attacked and treated like he hasn’t touch any app all his life. No one is taking anything away from you. You can have your cake all you want and eat it too. But let other have theirs. Nobody is pointing a gun to the developers. Requests can be ignored and users usually just move on and look for another that has that kind of functionality. Point is, it’s mind-boggling to see veteran users get annoyed with shallow reasons.