How do you feel about the 3D cursor? Should it's future blossom, mutate, or decay?

Well, perhaps since Blender is in flux everyone has this notion to take advantage of the “open box” and it’s become open season for their “wish-list”. Don’t get me wrong, these discussions need to happen for Blender to develope and advanced, but perhaps the Blender Foundation should have their own forum board with the leaders (Ton) & developers involved to guide the discussions and constructively craft solutions.

I guess I don’t get how some of these “debates” are any different then if we were on Microsoft’s website arguing about some feature… even if for the better, it doesn’t mean it aligns with the bigger plan or the better good.

It’s not like you’re all going to agree…
It’s not like the devs are going to code in multiple options…
It’s not like if you make the change the other half of the users aren’t going to complain…
It’s not like the 3D cursor makes or breaks the application…
It’s not like you’re not obligated to use other packages or older versions of Blender…

So I guess I don’t get the thinking… why so much passion over a candy-cane colored circle?

Don’t get me wrong, I make heavy use of it but I assume if they remove it, they have to adjust the tools that used it to give me back what they took away. I’ll make the change, I don’t care, but… so… what did we get then? A lot of wasted dev time that could have went to something real instead of re-engineering what already existed.

EDIT:not a reply to the post above although it partially covers some of it. i didn’t even see it so i’m not replying/pointing at Quandtum, he’s cool.

well the thing is… the board is a discussion area. as you can see this thread didn’t fall down quickly, so people want to talk about it… people obviously wanted to talk about so much it was getting into multiple other threads getting them off-topic, which i think really annoys any thread writer of any forum. That was my main motivator actually.

the threads i found that i could possibly bump were both old and related to a different program than we see today. but way more importantly they were mostly from upset people wanting to banish the the 3d cursor before giving it a chance. They were usually about some agenda or idea they have for the 3d cursor.

so i thought it might be nice to have blatant, open ended, easily searchable, and centrally focused place to talk about it. It’s about a well known part of blender. People can talk about how they personally use it (to help new people). They can talk about possible changes in the way users interact with it. People can offer up KEYMAPS (thank you m.w.) to help people currently who just can’t stand it’s implementation. then of course people can state the case for it even existing (ooohhh don’t think that will get far).

if not here where? should i talk to my friend’s who don’t want to hear about computer b.s. and don’t care about blender?

lighten the hell up, it’s supposed to be somewhat enjoyable to be on here. You can always pass up a thread and go to the next one. One of the reasons i put the whole topic in the title was precisely so people who didn’t care could avoid it.

I made a poll for fun “pizazz” and also to help people who just wanted to put in the supportive vote and go without saying anything. (looks like that worked :slight_smile: )

I just don’t understand the red anger like it’s ruining people’s whole days. I can just imagine some of you gals and guys clenching your fists at the computer screen showing your teeth. i’m just joshing, but it is a funny (fictional) image.

i just wish we could keep the discussion at

  • why you LOVE or HATE left click mouse for 3D Cursor
  • why you think it could be banished
  • what should be changed about it
  • why the proposed changes are stupid
  • why it should never be touched

instead of

  • why i’m an idiot for even thinking of thinking of discussing this. (i’m an idiot for different reasons)

the thread is up. it has proven to be a topic wanting discussion. it’s openly presented and focused, and i don’t think it will be deleted… so why not make the most of it. let your hair down.

i think the poll options were close to the most popular, because there’s only one vote for other.

i’m stoked that my favorite poll result (combination of 3 and 4) is second!

also i must confess i just made up option 7 (last before other) as i was making the poll. I had never heard that before i just wanted more options… i’m sure it’s been talked about before sometime. now that i think about it, it’s actually kind of a sensible idea., as long as there was a snap-to position of mouse(cursor) hotkey and some extra options (like the camera has).

I never stated otherwise…

And exactly what I have been doing, but poked in today… and yes I could have turned a blind eye but I didn’t because…

I was simply trying to ask what is the expectation of having such a discussion? For all the energy and emotion, what is to be achieved here?

I’ll assume the answer is to share ideas, nothing more.

Perfect, then there’s no reason for name calling, which I why I posted and didn’t just pass along.

Trying to reinforce your notion of fun. Wasn’t my purpose to upset you, but to help keep the respect and sharing equitable to others.

Sorry… mis-post.

There’s a poll option to “get rid of it” which has got votes.

I disagree. In other apps (the ones I’ve tested at least) pivot is different on every object, while the cursor is its own object.

Btw, do people like the manipulators? I hate them (so I have them disabled), it’s one of the worst thing about maya. It is always in the way. Hotkey for grab, then hotkey to lock to an axis is much better imo. Here blender gives the choice and (AFAIK) maya doesn’t.

Default hotkey for it should be changed yes. For now use a keymap. I hope the devs will go over the default keymap, maybe rename it Classic Blender Keymap and make a new default one.

Sim 88

I have the manipulator activated but only use them as a visual aid.
Modeling I do with key short cuts.

Since Blender has global, normal, local, and custom orientations the 3D widget can be quite handy
for seeing the orientation direction.

Hmm… I don’t imagine people getting angry about this, maybe just annoyed. This is an issue where an (useful) uniqueness of Blender is being questioned again and again, mostly by “new” users, and I can see why that is tiresome. There’s even a thread about this ( That’s not to say it’s not important to talk about these things - heck I didn’t like the 3d cursor in the beginning and it took me years before I learned to appreciate it - but ultimately it’s up to the core developers if they find the time to change things, especially something that has been part of the “Blender-way” since the very beginning.

Do I personally think the 3d cursor works perfectly? No, and I still don’t think it should be on the left mouse button. Luckily we got re-mappable keys now (let’s not discuss defaults…). There are two things I would like to change, if I could, with the 3d cursor:

  1. A visibility toggle button on the 3D-View header, maybe View Properties.
  2. More “intelligent” placement. Many times I want to place the cursor at a vertex/edge/face, so it would be nice if I could just click at the face and the cursor would be placed there, instead of first selecting the face and then shift+s -> cursor-to-selected. Or having the cursor snap to grid, when the mouse is over a grid-intersection, even in user perspective (when is 3d cursor placement at all useful in user perspective?)

If these things never get implemented, would it be a huge minus in Blender for me? No. If some users feel alienated beyond repair because of the current workflow? Oh well. Maybe one day they will become core developers (if they actually stick with Blender and can program) and then have the authority to change the way it works. This will continue until everyone is satisfied (never).

you didn’t upset me. i have to apologize i didn’t read your comment before posting, but it looks like a direct reply i realize. the only part you really should be concerned with is the part just explaining why i made the thread. i was replying to some of the earlier comments from the first page, and also the separate thread that was made out of frustration about certain thread topics(such as this one). i clicked reply while on the first page.

sorry dude, i guess the comment is somewhat a response to your comments too, but not the parts about the red anger and frustration. your comment seemed calm and was more of a question. i wasn’t pointing at you. also i wasn’t upset at all, i just wanted people to kind of settle down a bit before they give themselves a heart-attack. as you said there’s no reason for name calling, and it seems like people are so explosively reactive to things that aren’t a big deal and end up taking it out on people who aren’t doing any harm.

but as a real reply, yeah i didn’t mean for this to be a “debate”, just an area for general discussion… where debates coud occur i guess, but other things too (more importantly)

sorry again, i give you the THUMBS UP

Yes, I didn’t notice at first. But it shouldn’t be there, imho. People who request for features should not toy around defaults. My whole key point really is OPTIONS. Add options not subtract. Requesting to get rid of something that is still used by a lot of users will provoke angry response.

I for example started my computing life with an application I’d rather not mention here. It’s not a 3d app. It’s got its own forums. From the earliest version to the newest, you can still have the option of using the defaults. That’s the way it should be. ADD not SUBTRACT. Which means both sides are served.

In my case I have no more thing to complain about now. The cursor that is defaulted in the LMB can now be re-mapped to alternative keys. That’s good and I’m thankful for it. That is all I wanted for now, at least. I have really nothing more to add here.


yeah luckily we can rest assured the 3d cursor isn’t getting destroyed anytime soon, but i mean some people think it should. i disagree but i’m not going to leave that out of the poll

and i still maintain that defaults of some things, like the two main mouse buttons, can affect the implementation of current/future tools and are therefore somewhat worth considering.

"1) A visibility toggle button on the 3D-View header, maybe View Properties.
2) More “intelligent” placement. Many times I want to place the cursor at a vertex/edge/face, so it would be nice if I could just click at the face and the cursor would be placed there, instead of first selecting the face and then shift+s -> cursor-to-selected. Or having the cursor snap to grid, when the mouse is over a grid-intersection, even in user perspective (when is 3d cursor placement at all useful in user perspective?)

would the visibility being turned off just be for aesthetics/annoyance?

@ikeahloe: No worries, is my fault. Discussion is back on track, all is good. :eyebrowlift:

Been trying to make the transition from RMB select to normal LMB side of things in Blender now that things are becoming possible. This preset is useful to me. Thanks!

How can I assign the RMB to the dynamic spacebar popup menu add-on when right-clicking anywhere on th 3dVIEW assuming that I opt for the LMB select in the User Preferences? As you can imagine, the RMB click will become meaningless in this setting.

I love the 3d cursor. I’d just like the ability to hide it specifically. Because sometimes I don’t use it at all. Other times I do. And I like a clean, personal viewport.

Hey, thank’s!

I hate the cursor, its like a fly on my windscreen, very anoying. I never really used it as well. If it goes , I will be a happier man.

haha the hatred. internet rage! ftw. no it’s anoying, it should transmutate. IMO!

3Dcursor is perfect, because it’s simple, fast, and powerfull :slight_smile: we have also, some nicre script for accurate editing of it, but, I think that the main functionality must be the same :slight_smile:

would the visibility being turned off just be for aesthetics/annoyance?

I feel the same way as thedaemon, so for the aesthetics.
For others it may help with the annoyance :wink:

I don’t get number six, “make the 3d cursor mix with the manipulator”, isn’t this the same as changing pivot to 3D cursor?

I would like the 3D cursor placements should add to history, so if you miss-click then you can undo and it jumps back to it’s previous location. While I was writing this though, I was trying this behavior out and found that in 2.4x, if you simply click to change location of the cursor and try to undo nothing happens, but if you change manipulator mode then it does :confused:
In 2.5 though it doesn’t. I know this is a bug in 2.4x but it would be nice if they could add this, the undo feature, not the bug feature that is :smiley: