Italian style

Did you use Crazybump for making NRM/Specu and ambient occlusion maps for the textures?

Very nice ikon, bravo

Nice work.

My main comment would be that the scene looks too clean. To take it to the next level: add imperfections, the leaves look plastic and unrealistic, the dof blur on the object in the background ruins the overall effect, the wooden stops’ texture is not quite there yet to be convincing. And more dirt/dust, etcetera.

As it stands it looks very, very CG.

I used crazybump for normal map and specular map, i forgot to mention.

The grades of olive olive are more yellow the lighter they go. I would say this is a mild oil, not extra virgin, and looks about right. I use one for frying, another for drizzling.

I actually found the image pretty spot on from that perspective, take a closer look onto the glass and you’ll see there is definitely a bit of dust there.
Compared to the reference image, which has of course more grunginess to it, (e.g. the condensed oil droplets and stains on the glass surface) I still prefer this “cleaner” render’s athmosphere, which seems a little warmer than the original image.
So in my opinion lack of dirtiness isn’t really what holds this back from complete photorealism, its just different (cleaner) but not unrealistic through that.

Some criticism from me: (although i have the impression you’re pretty much considering it finished now and don’t really wanna tweak much more^^)
For the leaves in the foreground you could probably do some more transluciency or even SSS [at least according to wikipedia basically everything non metal has SSS]

If you’re still motivated to tweak this even further you might probably wanna post this over at and see if you can get to their gallery :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for your support, I was going to write something similar to that but then I thought people will think I am not getting critiques. You exactly got my point, I know actual image is more dirty but what I think is that when you take a professional photo, you actual keep things clean as much as possible, unless dirt is your target. Slight taste of dirt and stuffs is good for imperfection, which I have added, I don’t believe in making such images more dirty than this.
Before this rendering I tried to use sss with cycles new build, but it was looking very fake I couldn’t make it more realistic, so I actual painted texture that way so that it looks like it is bleeding slightly different colors like sss. I will try it again if you can suggest me how to use it properly.
I have uploaded this image at cgsociety in my portfolio, but I can’t figure out how to start a new thread in their forum.

that is a beautiful image. thank you for sharing

where did you get the textures

The big issue for me is that the defocus is not also applied to the transparent areas.

Nice … Lol at first i thought your image was ayurvedic “jade butee” :smiley: Anyways looks pretty clean :slight_smile:

Congratulations on making it to the top row ! Very nice picture indeed.

Opa Italian Style!

Good work, look great! :smiley:

Before anything else; Awesome job. My son mistook it for a foto and he’s usually pretty good at spotting renders (as in better than me, who works with this kinda carp, hehe) :smiley:

AE/Nuke, zdepthpass + Frischluft Lenscare DoF = Pro grade post DoF. :slight_smile:

Edit: Seems the Lenscare plug is available for Photoshop as well though I’m not sure how it works with zdepth-passes…

Nice render!This is really cool and i love the environment this remind me of cooking books.:slight_smile:

:yes: thank you for sharing man…Good job 5*****

looks rly good. i think the color is fine on the OO personaly. The color has to do with quality and ultimately who made it. the IOr does seem a bit off on the oil. i have found a great deel of IOr values with a simple google search. you appear to be done, but its just a suggestion for the future.

Very nice render! I love it! Keep up the good work! Also, how do you get a glass object to look as if its filled? Are they separate objects, or just separate materials? I wanted to make a scene with a filled cup, but I can’t find a method that produces a good result. Any ideas are helpful! Thanks!

I really like this picture. The only thing that seems odd to me is that there’s too much empty space above the objects. Maybe shortening the top by about a sixth of the image size could correct that.

Thank you everyone, I’m glad you like it.

Do you mean how to fill liquid in glass?