Judy Hopps (with blend)

Looks pixel-perfect to me! Great job!

I started about two weeks ago, but a lot of time early on was just trying to find good reference images.

@Ace Dragon
Yeah, cycles has really improved. With a little better build in noise removal, which is really coming along in the experimental builds, is the final thing that we really need. Still images are easy enough now, but animations are really hard to get noise free. Even Cosmos Laundromat had a lot of noise, and they had many more resources available then most artists.

Nice image! Happy to hear the rig has been good to work with.

Thanks to everyone else for the kind words!

Love this piece of art. Big fan of the movie and this piece. I’m not gonna lie this is amazing work and looks just like the original from Disney. Great work indeed!!!

Awesome character, well done. :slight_smile:

Awesome work. Artists like you sharing their knowledge really helps improve the overall quality in the community :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t have shared her…
Just imagine all the nasty things they’re going to do with it…

That aside, I think you need a job at Pixar.
Just look at that, its practically on-par.

“I had a Ton of fun making this”, that expression fits well with Blender.
It’s so resemblant I’m worried you’ll get copyright claims ! No but seriously if you made it with the same software they use and even the rig was similar, I wonder if that could happen.

I’ve looked into this a lot before, but people even sell exact remakes of Disney characters for Maya, which is similar to or is what is used for the real production models. I have yet to see Disney, or most other companies, take action against someone for those models. It is difficult and costly to win a case for that if the models are not a true copy, so they never bother with it. This is somewhat because trademark law, which protects characters, was designed more for company logos. As well, fair use laws can often apply. Companies often threaten with a Cease and Desist for a case they would probably loose in court, just because nobody wants to fight the case. That all said they probably don’t care in the first place, and theoretically if they did want me to take down the model, I could simply do that.

Hopefully that clears things up.

Now who would do something like that?..

Its a family film!



:] … tkz for share.
I like it !

There’s already plenty nasty about Zootopia lurking in shady corners and even some on DeviantArt. >.<

Very, very good. There are a few things that need work like missing foot and palm pads, the inner ear is just a flat gradient and some of the fur on the hands and feet need some more love. But other than that, it’s amazing!

I know it’s a bit off topic but has anyone rendered this successful with an AMD card? I get strange artifacts and the ears gradients are black, eyes are white?

Now on topic; Really good work.

could you please do a tutorial on the hair? or a breakdown?

Amazing work! It shows that you put a lot of time in on this. Thank you for sharing.

If Blender behaves, this will hopefully be a full animation sometime soon:


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Amazing work @Splatypi
I really loved the details and likeness you have achieved… Thank you for sharing this fantastic work…

You kinda caused it with your first post didn’t you ?

  1. I don’t see how posting a 3D model of a character helps explicitly nasty stuff of them. It’s a bit odd for that to be the first thing popping in someone’s mind. Not saying some people wouldn’t, of course… hey, stop looking at me like that! :rolleyes:

  2. I don’t see why this would upset anyone nowadays. It’s art, and subject to the sacred rule of “if you don’t like it don’t look”.

  3. Look at the bright side of things: At least this isn’t an anatomically correct version! There isn’t even a naked variant, since the body isn’t modeled under the clothes. Just imagine if the artist went all the way and modeled… right, I’ll show myself out the door now.

perfect piece :slight_smile: