Khalibloo Panel

Again thanks for the help and your work on this project.


no problem :slight_smile:

I’m also pleased to announce that this addon now pops up on any reasonable google search regarding genesis and blender. thank you all for spreading the word

Thanks to you khalibloo, by the way, there is any way to bring back the model posed to daz studio? I would loooooove to see a video explaining all the functionality of this addon, I still don’t understand some stuff.

hmmm that sounds like a very unique situation. if you need just the model itself, the easiest way would be to export the obj.
if you need the pose instead, you should

  1. transfer the pose from the rigify rig back to the collada rig using makewalk. if you’ve already deleted the collada rig, re-import it
  2. export the pose/animation as a bvh file
  3. import into daz studio

sorry that’s the best i can do for now. i’m not a seasoned daz studio user myself. it should work for the most part, but i anticipate that there could be problems with the fingertips and toetips.

it’s a lot easier to pose in daz studio than in blender. my advice, do your animations and poses in daz studio. that way you could re-use them easily. you could then export the bvh to blender and retarget to your rigified character using makewalk

i wish i could make a few tutorial videos, but i’m unable to right now. the addon interface is quite simple, however. you’ll grasp it in no time. If you get stuck, the instructions in the first post should come in handy. Or just ask right here. when i’m able to, i’ll put up some video tutorials, but in the mean time, if someone can, i encourage them to post a tutorial video.

if you have any questions, feel free to ask right here!

Thanks a lot khalibloo, I understand, I will let you know how it goes with this steps, thank you very much.

you’re welcome :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for you job. I spend a lot of hours on this add on and after check all the possibles issues, I can’t find a solution for this error. I have activate the Pyton and the Rigify, Import the collada and the bones and the skin work fine, but after the vertex groups the model have a problem.

Any idea?


Sorry I’m gonna need more info to be able to help. Was there any error message? And please try again this time following the instructions strictly. It’s possible you might have missed a step or added an extra step accidentally.

Hi,Khalibloo! Thank You very much for your script and sorry for my english, I’m russian! All work very well, I immported genesis 2 female model as dae file, I pressing “Rigify”,then I doing by Your manual and my model has good animation with rig. But I can’t use morphs. They are has imported ,but when I try to change shape keys value then I have problems: mesh changing his form by 1.0 value and my mesh is dark and mirror by x. How I can use value 0.5 or 0.6 or other? Sorry, my English is bad. Look to my screens and You’ll understand I speek about.

bug was in khalibloo_blender_morph_exporter in string
// Do not write vertex normals oSettings.setBoolValue( “WriteVN”, false ); I changed to true and all work!!! Good luck You ,Khalibloo!!! And thank for very good script, all work correctly )

I got the same problem with the X mirrored Shape Keys, i tried everything you guys said, but it’s no use, the only solution i found, was, importing all the mirrored morphs, then i X mirror the Basis mesh back, so everything is now mirrored, and the morphs work correctly, however, i have to manually mirror all the vertex groups, and that takes quite a lot of work. But anyway, it works.
Hey khalibloo, would you make a button in your panel to mirror all vertex groups?

EDIT: Another thing, all imported morphs have no nipples or belly button, is there anyway to fix this?

sorry for being absent these few days. Been having some troubles with my internet

i’m not entirely sure what causes these issues, but i suspect that recent updates from DAZ might be the cause of it. A quick fix would be to edit the khalibloo_blender_morph_exporter and change this line

// Do not invert the lateral axis
oSettings.setBoolValue( “InvertLat”, false );
// Do not invert the lateral axis
oSettings.setBoolValue( “InvertLat”, true );

It works fine for me (DAZ i’ll try update soon and see if i get the same problem

I already tried that modification, it doesn’t work for me.
But anyways, i could get it to work the way i described in previous post.
Thanks for your support, and for this great scripts!

you’re welcome :slight_smile:

I think You need reimport all morphs from Daz Studio with settings I wrote about. All morphs are simply obj meshes, You can open any mesh in blender and see . Before fix settings in khalibloo_blender_morph_exporter my morhps was black. After I fix one string in script I reimported all morphs in folder and import them to blender. All work. I can send fixed script for You, it realy work ) You can download it

thats working in blender 2.71 and daz studio 4.6

Hi khalibloo

First thank you for that awsome script but with the morphs i have the same problems that @balamut152 have.So I make the changes that he made and thatone that you have say it couldt work but after all the problems are still there.

My Daz Version is and Blender is 2.71 I hope you can help me

after editing the khalibloo_blender_morph_exporter, you have delete your old obj files and re-export them in order to see any changes. Here’s the inverted version (3.41 KB). if the original version doesn’t work, then this has to work.

thanks for pointing that out!
also, that’s a lovely smile :slight_smile:

So after i tested both fixes i can say that the problem must be somewhere else because it’s still there.

Here 3 Images

This is only one of the obj files

This is the Model with a morph somewhere in the middle

This is the model and the morph at 0

Sorry for 2 Posts but i cant post more then 3 pic’s per post so i need a second one

And that the model with the morph at 1