
Nice style, I like the low poly look, and the grainyness you get with Cycles would actually work for a change with this style :wink:

You might want to check out my tutorial here:

which is based on Issac Botkin’s “Painting with polygons” siggraph 2010 presentation.

Many thanks for the compliments everyone, much appreciated. Nodelete, interesting tutorial, thanks for the tip.

I’ve collected a bunch of grunge textures in the course of time, which I layer on top of the render with different modes, such as Multiply and Soft Light. Just do a Google search for “free grunge textures” and you’ll find a lot of them.

great works, really inspiring!
which rendering engine did you use?

It’s too realistic, I want to see a wireframe! :wink:

Nice style.

:smiley: Thanks!

Thanks! I used Blender Internal. For these kinds of NPR renders BI offers more customization options.


Is it possible you can show a simple workflow as to how u go about achieving this look? I am really interested in using it for my children’s book am illustrating.

Great style you are developing there!

Thanks a lot, Pokestuff, great to get a compliment from someone whose work I admire.

DarkLimit, I haven’t got a microphone and I’m not much of a tutorial creator, but I can give you some pointers:

• First of all, always remember to ‘KISS’ (Keep It Simple, Stupid!). :slight_smile: Don’t use intricate shapes, but as little polygons as possible. Play with simple geometric shapes and use those shapes to stylize your depicted subjects as much as possible.

• Be sure to use a lot of ambient / environment / reflected light to avoid black shadows. I often also use a little bit of Emit value in the material to achieve this.

• Establish a good image composition in an early stage, so you don’t have to create more than is visible in your camera view, unless you’re planning to animate.

• Post-process until you drop using Photoshop or Gimp. It can make a world of difference for the final result.

• Last but not least: for more satisfaction, try to avoid imitation as much as possible. Give it your own personal twist as much as your creativity allows you to.

Good luck.



Thanks Seven, I was not expecting you to do a tut, I appreciate the insight.

What kind of post pro do you do in PS/GIMP that you can’t do in Blender’s compositor?

DarkLimit, you’re welcome. One more advice (also added to the earlier tips), for more satisfaction: try to avoid imitation as much as possible. Give it your own personal twist as much as your creativity allows you to.

3pointEdit: I guess you could do most post-production in Blender Compositor, but I also fiddle around with specific Photoshop functions such as HDR Toning.

Here’s my latest low-poly image, a tribute to Batman. Hope you like it.


Being a fan of the low poly style, I love your work. The light house with a twist was killer.

Many thanks, much appreciated!

Here’s my latest image: ‘Hope’.


I love your style, the mix between planar-low-poly objects and the dirty texture is great, and the desaturated final images are very cool. I would like watch the first scenes with a early animation.

Thank you very much. Maybe I’ll create an animation in this style in the near future, but I prefer the frozen moments in time of single images.

Love these! Awesome work!

You have a refreshing style. I was wondering where you get your ideas? I like how you ‘think outside the box’ and show how Blender can be used for creative styles other than realism. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot guys!

Zonkerzebra: my workflow is usually…

1: Think of a theme / setting (space, sea, etc.).
2: Imagine a concept, preferably with an added twist to surprise the viewer.
3: Never forget to ‘KISS’ during the execution (Keep It Simple, Stupid!), otherwise you’re at risk of getting lost in tedious, distracting details.
4: Add a layer of magic with post-production.

