LuxRender v0.5 Released.

My compiler is crapping out at the very end. Seems to be to do wxWidgets.

Edit: appears that it requires 2.8 instead of 2.6. Switching my profile and recompiling…

How do you know how many threads its using. Do you just click the up arrow and does it automatically while rendering? Or does it wait till next time? Cause each time I close the window it goes back to one.:spin:

EDIT: nm


yes just with the arrow you set the threads in luxrender.


i got this port from a german friend - i have not tested it yet
are you on the latest os x version?

no im on OS 10.4.11

Yeah, I also found a way to preset it by clicking the system button.

I haven’t used Lux or Indigo, but I say support open source projects when it makes sense.


I guess that than this is the reason - it is only for the new OS X as far as I understand.

Some notes for my build:

Includes: (—> drag to …)
1. Luxrender —> applications ( this is the - simply doubleclick to start )

2. luxconsole —> /usr/local/bin ( this is called from terminal as wished - type :
luxrender -tx filename.xls — where x is the threadcount

3. Exporter-script —> python-scripts-folder from blender ( set path to luxrender in script to: applications/ )

4. used cmakelists.txt ( for information or poeple who like to try building yourself )

The build is static, so needs nothing to install else.

I put all dependencies to /usr/local and used now OSX10.5.SDK. ( 32bit )
I removed the fix pathes to dependencies from cmakelists.txt and configured it to find the pathes automatically.
Used cmakeversion = 2.6
Used compiler = gcc-4.2.1

Please take a look at it and see if all works as it should.
If all is o.k., i can make an OSX-like installer.


This may happen when a program needs dependencies, it’s very common. On Debian/Ubuntu you can ask the apt-tools what packages you have to install, from terminal

apt-cache search libboost program

it returns

libboost-program-options-dev - program options library for C++
libboost-program-options1.34.1 - program options library for C++

the first one is a “dev” package, you may need it to compile stuff, the latter is the library you need to run the program

sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options1.34.1 - program options library for C++

I managed to get this to render. I just started and let it run all night.

Is there more information on how to use blender materials/textures with this? This model has many components on one object assigned with different textures. I only managed to find how to put a texture on the whole object and not its separate parts (uuugly:o).

is there a version i can get for OS 10.4? or do I have to use my Windows box…

@ropsta: Use the luxrender forum if you have specific questions. I found them to be very helpful.


starts to become very nicely integrated into Blender.
The texture support is great.

The only thing which is bad - but I would say that this is not lux -
is the way how texture preview is.

They take a very long time. Best would be in case textures and everything
could be setup inside Blender for fast preview and for finale rendering send
to Lux.

Setting up size and position of textures could be much faster this way, incase
this is even possible. I am working on a textured silver vessel and it is time
consuming to get the displacement values for the procedural textures right.

But anyway this software comes along nicely and seems to be a good
alternative to Indigo - in particular because it is free.

I hope that Radiance new job will help Lux to mature and grow even more.

does the exporter for blender support animation? ie, like to render a character animation? i doubt it supports hair, cloth particles…

but anyway, sounds a nice alternative for very special static renders…

(I’m more into animation, that’s why I’m focused totally on internal, but for those statics would be curious to try…)

I am not sure about that.

That is what they want to use it for at Radiance new work place = Animation.

I just love to start multiple render threads and have not Blender blocked

It looks to me that either Lux got much faster I my computer is much faster now :wink:

I did some texture displacement render test and Lux has a decent set of tools now.

  • Procedural textures from Blender
  • Different render presets
  • Looks like it also has a resume function
  • Displacement
  • NK shader/materials

Looks very promessing

here one update:

After 2 more hours it started to look quite smooth - looks like Lux got seriously a lot faster.

Very interestingly is that how after that time also the brightness of the rendering changed.


I have just downloded and installed the osx 10.5 package and have followed the getting started tutorial but found I am missing the subdivision panel in the exporter window and when I render the light it doesnt seem to work. i get a soft blue light over the entire scene but no lighting from the plane above the monkeys head.

• i have tried flipping the normals
• reassigning the light material
• creating a new scene from scratch

I am not sure if it me or my installation of luxrender.

Has anyone else experienced similar probs?

I am running 10.5 and the python 1.5 build of blend 2.46

I am very excited to check out this renderer, congrats to radiance this is a fantastic project!

cheers chris72


no nightsky model yet no… you could make one manually though :slight_smile:



I suggest you check out the user documentation:

it’s under construction but there’s heaps of information in there already.
