Masonry wizard, (walls, castles, etc)

just a question about bringing this script into blender. havent try do this yet.
how do i bring it in to the blender script folder?

Hey Surefire,

If you are using windows the default location for the scripts folder is:-
C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender.blender\scripts

Just drop the Auto_Masonry.pyin there.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

so copy, paste the script there? it looked like the scripts in the folder had their own file. ill give it a try

yea im not really understanding myself…i dont know what i did wrong. but i saved the screen the python scripted open uped on as a text .py file and put it in the C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender.blender\scripts as and then when i open my blender file it is not in with my blender scripts…
so can someone please give a step by step starting from the actual link page you open up from this forum…i really have no idea what i am doing wrong…thank you

Both of the scripts are unavailable, it seems that the site is down! Too bad, I really liked the idea and I would love to play with them!

i tried to get it going but animators aren’t the smartest banana in the tree. I’ll check back.

I should know this by now, but I don’t. Do you or anyone else know how to install py
scripts for the mac version of Blender. I have a PC too and get them to work fine. It’s
just on my iBook there is no scripts folder in the Blender Folder and there are a few
different Python folders around town on my laptop. I’m just not certain which one is
the right one.

So if you feel the slightest bit of compassion for this lonely soul, please do tell.

Hey, this script is awesome!
I wonder if it is possible to animate it.
I am trying to set up an animated wall for my diploma.

Do you now if something like this in the first video:
Example Video

is possible with the script and some extra work?

Greetings Mr.Gosh :eek:

Hey All,

One you copy the scripts to C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender.blender\scripts and open Blender, you will find them under the Wizards and Objects headings in the scripts window.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

I have not tried the script but this should be able to be done. Right now my thought would be use the script to make you wall/castle/turret e.t.c. Then convert that to a mesh object. Then add a build modifier to that mesh. Set the start and end frames of the build animation to when you want it to start and end in your larger animation and then render.

I have animated it as far as this,
create a curve,
run the script,
the mesh is automatically the child of the curve (i think)
try to reposition the mesh using the transform tools,
the somewhat silly mesh follows the curve & deforms to the shape of the curve.
(I found this out by accident if you cannot tell.)
so you can do that to deform the mesh or animate it to have your wall waving like a flag.
it looks really funny, but the deform via curve could be useful to bend the wall around obstacles. In the test I did it looked like the wall hit a invisible barrier then curved around it.
Yay, I found out how to make cool flags anyway!

Thanks to everyone for the feedback and fun pics. I’m glad this script has been helpful, or at least provocative.
ristesekuloski: Sorry you couldn’t download it. I can’t find anything wrong with the file download at the moment, but the server goes down from time to time. To anyone having trouble downloading it I suggest trying again in a few hours, when the server should be up again.
Mr. Gosh: Wow, that is a sweet effect! The most straightforward way I can think of is making each block its own object (I can send you a modified version of the script that does this). Put the walls all in place and add a keyframe at the end of the animation. Then add a keyframe with them moved down (down and sideways from what I can tell of the movie). Finally (the messy sad hard part that should be scriptable but I don’t know how) add a time offset to the IPO curve for each block so that instead of it all jumping up at once it jumps up in waves. Perhaps a position script based on the relative location of a dummy object would work. Either way it would be a lot of work, hence a while 'til it is done. I’d try SHABA1’s suggestion first.
I’ve been meaning to get back to work on this script, and will probably have some time soon. I’ll keep the wall-build idea in mind when I start coding again.

Dudecon, i working on the translation of your plugin to Portugues - Brasil soon i will post here the link to tutorial and the portuguese version of your plugin OK ???

I have managed to download the script and I have played with it! It will be a big help! Thanks!

Lokidg: Fantastic! Feel free to post the translation.

Thanks dudecon, soon as possible i will post here and with a new thread to !!!

That would be interesting - at least a button that makes it possible to hav eindividual rocks for physics simulation.

Or you can improve the script to an animateable way. To let the wall fall down or build up itself…

I told you i will i did it 99% of your plugin was translated, i just need to understand your primary configuration straight Edges and off set edges i don’t get it ! What that truly means ?

The like above:

Now is full i had translated and made the tutorial !! take a look at my blog

Masonry wizard PT-BR and tutorial

lokidg That looks great. Is there any chance of getting that tranlated to english?

Btw I already have put the url thru googles translation tools for Portugese to English. I have not read it yet but those translations always come out less then 100% correct. If you are interested I can look at it and then work with you on how to get it to the english that we americans use every day. One big problem is that google did not and will not translate the comments in the graphics on your screenshots. But as I said I would be glad to work with you.