Michalis's sketchbook

… as well.

Just having some fun…
click for hi res

yes, indeed looks like lots of fun… and as if you have made the knot after displacement. great, i like.

Thansks doris.
Actually no displacement, just AO and bump maps.
The rest is modeling, separating loops, extruding-solidify, more loops etc.
This mesh came after some dynamesh play and using the new auto retopo zb tool. It’s so easy to use it. One of the good news is the clean topology it creates. It’s possible to edit this topology further. Clean loops you see. The final rendered mesh costs to cycles ~100k. Not bad.

Wow, the hi-res image looks really great, good work.

yes the new zremesher is great, i had also already done some “test drives” ,it makes with a few guidelines better topology than by hand…and much quicker… i always am fan of good topology :slight_smile: great addition to blender i find :slight_smile:

Great addition to blender, Doris?
The last great additions were cycles and dyntopo. The first one still under development, thanks god.
In my country they use to say “in the hanged man’s home, we never ask for a rope” I hope my translation makes sense.

not sure i understand correctly… i was just trying to express, that to me, blender and zbrush are a great combo, in that sense zbrush is an addition to blender…
you mean dyntopo is no longer developed? that would be a catastrophy. it is imho the strongest asset blender has, besides cycles of course… i really dislike sculpting in zbrush since i tried dyntopo. so much better despite its still in its babyshoes …

And, it seems so, it will remain in its baby shoes.
Nicholas Bishop, the man behind blender sculpting, is not available any more.
Now, new devs, please be our guests. You may find a well paid job soon, after involving to the sculpting development. LOL
This is the power and the weakness of blender development. With the exception of what interests the blender foundation, I guess so.

sad news… so we need to show stronger that we really want it…need dynatopo…

I could say… we’re trusting in god and pray for a better dyntopo…
ha ha

OK another one. Notice the loops, these came from z remesher after sculpting the basics.
More extrudes and UVs in blender. ~200k faces, no displacements. Bumps and AO map. Cycles
click for a larger image.

I love this bumping method of yours! Unbelievable effect.

great looops!

Loving the last one so much!! Great work! :smiley:

Wow michalis, that last one just “leveled up”… I love the sense of movement it has… it’s liek a relenless octopus machine driving across my screen…

Any chance you could show it without displacement so we can see the cage loops?

Thanks yazjack Doris Vicky Mike
The cage loops?

that in its own is beautiful!

Very interesting Michalis!

Same technique.
Click it for a 1280 image.