Night Fury Dragon - High Bandwidth Needed "Lots of images"

did a test by making a very thin cube and subdived and suburfed it than added armatures to it.

OK I am going make the wings have 2 sides

Main wings now have 2 sides and look good subsurfed

Change that default blue! Otherwise it seems as though you’re making good progress. He does seem a little too flat though - I know that it’s meant to be a “flat” position when you rig it, but for example i hardly see a ridge between the body and wing join. A similar section is the tail, which sticks out like a cone (as compared to smoothly tapering down), is it meant to be like that?

And you said you never created any 3d objects before now? I don’t believe you!

After watching DreamWorks HTTYD I felt like trying learn to make 3d models I found blender and started working on making a Night Fury.
Here is my youtube channel

Update on the wings

New Tail & wings looking SO much better XD, that should give you better deformation when rigging :yes:…
(Btw, have you worked on the paws yet? :eyebrowlift:)

yes but they need lots of work still

The new tail fin clearly shows why it’s always good practice for all thin surfaces to have a front and back side.

It’s a major improvement indeed.

update - wings

working on eye socket / eye lid again

The new topology for the tail & wings looks good ;), though I’d add some more loops between the start of the membrane to the “loose” part in the tail, to make the polys more square-like :yes: (also it would allow for better softbody simulation :eyebrowlift: if you plan to use it that is)…
& the eye is looking nice, though a view of the full head would give a better idea of how they work with the rest of model :wink:

update on the eye lid

messing with uv mapping

Wow, that’s stupendous for a start! Either you’re a superfast learner or you’ve been eating, sleeping and drinking Blender from the start. It took months for me to start doing something productive in Blender.

Posted a youtube video

Both lol :slight_smile:

Amazing just amazing, wish i had such a great start with blender.

Btw, is the song in the video from the soundtrack or is it something completely different?

parts of
How To Train Your Dragon Soundtrack: 6 The Dragon Book
How To Train Your Dragon Soundtrack: 3 The Downed Dragon
How To Train Your Dragon Soundtrack: 19 Ready The Ships
How To Train Your Dragon Soundtrack: 9 New Tail