Night Fury Dragon - High Bandwidth Needed "Lots of images"

excellent work so far, you gunna add bump/normal mapping for the scales and stuff?

right now I am thinking about starting to add more detail like the spikes and claws and make some new eyes

Eye Still needs lots of work

awesome. :slight_smile:
did you use shape keys?

Yes I did :slight_smile:

awesome, i like it so far. :slight_smile:

Might need some help with the eye :spin:

Just a other test

Compared to the eyes in the reference it looks like you’ll need some high resolution texturing (and shading to make the pupil/cornea transitions somewhat softer and make the shading a little softer in general.

Of course then again it seems like you haven’t gotten to the serious shading and lighting work yet.

He’s looking great. Nice project.

Hooray! I loved that movie :3

Can’t wait to see it finished!

Working on spikes on the head.

Starting work on the mouth

Very nice organics.
Did you use any books or other information,
just plowed through it?


I watched some Youtube Blender tutorials and after learning the basic controls, I just started working on this… Learning more along the way as I work on this.

Update: I am having problems with the legs working on them now.

hey! this is awesome!

update on leg / claws

Tut for the wings rig please.