Painting robots

Simply stunning. As others have mentioned, modelling & textures look great. Although we’re talking about a robot character, i really wanted to congratulate you on the color palette choice: really brings in “humanity” making the entire scene worthy of being admired… and top row, of course. Keep the good stuff comming!:yes:

Starting to think about making the tutorial about idea generation. :slight_smile: But honestly, getting the initial idea is often pretty simple (something like hmm… maybe robots?). Then it either starts developing into the scene - and gets bells and whistles, or not.

wolfred, Ranquin, i.munteanu - the colour decisions in this one is somewhat unusual for me. Glad if it works.

fantastic attention to detail!

very nice, you did great with the textures :evilgrin:

that’s great man, it reminds me of a Norman Rockwell painting or something like that. great color too.

And quite often, it comes naturally when you’re least expecting it, right?

Awesome piece, Gleb. Colors are beyond awesome and very significant of your style.

  • Reyn

This is…this is AWESOME! :eek: I love the playful nature of this render. Was there any amount of post-pro done in Blender?

5/5 blender power

I’d watch the shit out of that!

Amazing! I Love the idea.

this is the best and seen in years.
congratulations, a domain that is high.]
realy nice!:yes:

Absolutely amazing piece, probably one of the best renders done in Cycles and Blender in general. I strongly suggest posting it wherever possible, spread your artwork around all the websites, you deserve all the honours that will come! 5* from me!

Superb! Would not expect anything less :wink:

  • Great idea with well composed image. Dynamic, well directing the viewers attention.
  • Excellent materials and texturing (I would really appreciate some insight on that!).
  • Beatifully modelled and convincing robot with a real sense of something whimsical about it.
  • Great lighting that is really appropriate for the scene.
  • Nice final touches in post-pro

Composing of the layers and post-processing was done mainly in photoshop.

First, posted here and to CgSociety, 3d total, CgCookie. It also appeared on Blendernation.

Hi Spelle, I m very interesting how many time you have working on 3d, and how many tools you handled, apart Blender?
you work have the result to 3d total tutorials, absolluty professionall on all aspects, I cant imaginate all hard work you had spend for have this level, you are a artist very inspirational, I do not get tired of saying that I will work very hard to be as good as you,
you are one of the blender artist I regard as an excellent high benchmark, along with others ( mokie, andrew price, reynante, kent trammel, max, richard 3d, doris, they are little example, because the list is very, very large).

much success to you continue like this, you really are another point of inspiration for many who use blender, and we strive to improve!

+5 not only for your compotition, if not for all your hard work!


As with all your other posts here, this one is EPIC again!!! wow so much detail and so. How did you do the motion blur without rigging this thing???

PS why didnt you texturize the other 2 camera’s on the big robot, see on the upper left side (out view)

one more… is that background modeled as well?

Spelle, you are extremely talented. Keep up the terrific work! This was one of my favorites due to the colors

Great display and an excellent composition! The colors are brilliant!