Procedural Zelda

ok I fixed a little things and the effect it seems to me better. I’m waiting for opinions. Be critical! XD

Kind of neat! Love seeing remakes of fun games.

However, I have to ask why you’re focusing on the procedural animation first? That kind of seems like a nice polishing thing you would do at the end.

If you’re remaking OoT, there are a lot more things that make OoT, well, OoT - like the inventory system, all the items, the NPCs, the AI, the familiar areas, the combat, etc.

Unless the ragdolls add something significant to the gameplay or unless your game is just a ragdoll demo (both of which are completely fine), why focus on procedural and ragdoll animation?

I am not of the same opinion, I think the starting point of any game is the control system, where the ragdoll system, in this case, is a part of it , then will the enemies with their artificial intelligence and I think the last things to do are just the menus and the design of the scenarios that do not require a particular mental effort

Nice work!

is this based off Jackii’s work or mine or something unique?

I have a bunch of little tricks for this type of thing*

no, no offense but I do not know what you mean , I have to say that I use blender for more than 10 years both as a hobby or for business, but this is my first experiment on procedural animations, unfortunately I have not found much material on the network to understand how to develop them so this is based on my deductions (sometimes I did not sleep the night to figure out how to run certain things XD) I’m curious though to see these works of which you speak to me. Can you link me something?

it is very interesting , I understand that you control the ragdoll through the target objects related to the bones of an armature that performs the animation. I am wrong?

yes, the empties are used to get the rotation of the bones, as translating bone space to world space is a massive pain.

In my case ragdoll is used only in “passive mode” (for the death animation)

yeah, I have switched to that type of model for chaos emergency, and wrectified, the walking ragdoll was a experiment that ended with me deciding that ragdoll rigs are the future, but the bge lacks a few key features to have them be mainstream

1 GPU based physics
2 using a rigid body as a bone

this way the engine feeds actions to a action armature, but the rest all lives on the gpu (actor model, rigid body sim, and it uses the sim to skin the mesh)

this way you could have 100s of physics actors without so much overhead*

have you seen my work for giving armatures a physics bound without using a ragdoll?

If I understand what you mean , I have already implemented a collision system that follows the movement of the bones, however when I have some spare time I will look very happy some of your videos , there is certainly something useful to learn!!

compound parent child shapes each frame to a root object marked compound with a simple physics bound.

I use ‘boneTags’ (empties parented to each bone that needs a collision shape) to then do

childShape.worldPosition = BoneTag.worldPositon
childShape.worldOrientation = BoneTag.worldOrientation

The back needs to do something. It looks like he only moves his arms and legs - that’s all I have to complain about.

you can use a ray ahead down to adjust the angle of your step,

I used a bone placed directly between the feet that the foot Ik handles bound to,
I placed a object, and then used a armature track to constraint to target the placed item*

this way you don’t need your stompy stair walk on flat ground.


Looks cool.
She’s way too slow when in air, though.

capturing video lowers the frame rate :confused: