Reflected Fate

Aww. My reply never went through. Anyways, I watched you on YouTube a couple of times. So it’s quite an honor to see ya here!
Thanks for your kind words. Many people were a bit skeptical whether I could do it or not. But many had a lack of understanding on how MMORPG worked. Many thought you needed to have high budget to buy a server and a website which wasn’t the case. Some believed BGE didn’t support networking, and well, they were wrong. Some believed I’d give up. But at the end, I kept with it and got to where I am today. Thankfully there were a few people who supported me. More of my friends. But all-in-all, I am happy to have read such a wonderful comment.

Wow looks great , how did you manage to add an online feature to yr game?
I know its an MMORPG i know but what servers / Html … What connects the players together so that they can see each other?

I like this game too …


To:AudioFreakXD hey bro i totally agree to your previous statement:

I hope I have answered all the newbies who are constantly told Blender is a horrible engine to make a game on. It’s a great engine and you can do whatever you want on it

Same im doing for the Game Engine , to give it a great name as well …
Mann Goodluck with your project. (Keep up the good work ^_^)


Hm, my script just spawns objects when told there is a new person connected and then sends everyone connected to me their location, rotation, animation, etc.

That’s the way I know how to make a MP using Python at least. I hope that answers that question. As for the server. I am just using my computer to host the game. What connects the players? When you allow people to connect to your public IP address when using the same port your modem(I think) will accept data from the other machines. I hope I am giving you some idea/I am right. lol I am not an expert. The Python library I am using is called sockets, btw.

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Wow this is just awesome, I allways want to learn game coding to make my own games, but I really failed on doing it, your work is great, and I really amazed of how fast you learned python, I tried many tmes but I just can’t seem to do it, so I was like doing an online game is one of my dreams, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it, so I just keept doing easy games using simple code, but I really wish you see your game runing one day,

The reason why I know so much already is because I have used a similar language in BYOND’s Dream Maker game engine (which is a networking 2D (native and only) game engine that uses its own database/client to launch games. This game originally was going to be on that game engine but ended up turning into a 3D game project on Game Maker. As soon as I found that you can’t load animations into Game Maker (easily) I switched to Blender and found it to be the best fitting. If you really wanna start on programming. Just make a bunch of games until you get good. I just kept asking questions on the API which is what I really needed help with because I was new to Blender Game ENgine API. APIs are basically builtin functions to rid the REALLY difficult coding. Anyways, I hope you for the best on your side. I really hope you will finally learn any language really.

Thanks man,

Animations are now smoothed. Updated the graphics, the chat box has an added feature so now it will scroll when it reaches the bottom.
Collision has been added.
More to come soon! Hope you like it.

A Hard Choice -

Got you. That was a bit of bait. But, there is bad news. I won’t be working on the game everyday. It’s getting in the way of what’s really going on in life. So as of now, I will only work on this game when it fits my schedule. Typically, every Sunday and Monday when I don’t have work. Whenever I have time work on this game I will. Thanks for following! The game-development will not end, but will take a bit longer to work on.

I’ll try to make a schedule on every new progress video/post. I will keep you all posted! Thanks.

Funny thing. I didn’t know I was on the basic HTML version of the forums. So in my mind, I was thinking how awful it was. Then I find that I was looking at the HTML version and not the full version. So blonde of me.
Off that topic here’s what I have stacked up over some development on my game. These are quite important essentials to have.

1.) Save (Save files to the HOST after logging out or disconnecting. I will not make the mistake of having their file saved on their side since they could easily play with the numbers and cheat).
2.) Log out system (The log out system works by assuming you have disconnected the server. Sometimes if it takes awhile to receive from you or have bad internet you may be disconnected. However, I have tested out the system many times and it will only remove entities that seem to have disconnected. I am not sure. Alpha testing is needed on that).
3.) Battle System (Not completed yet. The battle system took sometime trying to figure out on what to do to stop the cursor from scrolling infinite. Finally got the cursor to stop moving and only moves after pressing the button. I also have the time system. So every time the countdown has finished you can attack again.)
4.) Another level (Using the same scene, but removes vertices from view when not on the platform.)


Early Village

Don’t read the chatbox. Lol

Sound’s nice, but don’t you think you should at least give the player time to reconnect, his desconnection might be timporary,

The user has time to reconnect. It doesn’t give you a disconnection notice until seconds later. In a few seconds it will cut you off both ends. No worries, the game saves every-time the user disconnects from the server, and when they fix their issue they can just log bac in and start where they left off. Anything they were in the middle of will end. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback.

U2 Iam actually admiring you, working in such hard project

Some of you have questions, I am sure.Q: Is this project still being worked on?A: Yes. I am still working on this project.Q: Where were you?A: My cat knocked over my gaming laptop, and shattered the motherboard. So I had to buy another.Q: Oh, but is the project files still there?A: Yes, I had it saved onto my phone. Everything is still there.Q: Great, so we should see another update, soon right?"A: No. Let me explain!After I saw that running two games at once. One that Hosts RF, and the other that plays RF causes a serious FPS drop on slower computers.The logic was around 60-70% due to both running at once which slowed the FPS down to 30-2 when the computer uses less resources so it can cooldown.I am working on what I tried to make before. A program that will host the game instead of blenderplayer, it’ll be a python program (of course I’ll make it .exe so no one steals the code/hack it). So yes. The game is still on. However, it is being restarted as of today. It shouldn’t be long before I have everything back where it was. But, I want to improve the code so I won’t have to later that’ll end up with more than hundreds lines of code. Why should I settle that just to push a demo over? There’s a LOT of nasty coding in the project, and it needs to be dealt with. I don’t want my game to be on the slower side of things. I want ALL of my friends and new roleplayers to be able to experience a smooth game. BUT, it is still happening. And now you know what I am capable of.Since I know every step of networking, this should be quick. Anyways, I am back.

Bad News — The game got wiped because I was wiping my computer to install a new OS (which I reverted back to Windows anyways because I need window programs that Wine still doesn’t run very well). Everything has been lost even the basic networking script created by Goran rewritten by me (by copying his work).

Good News — I am reworking the image of the networking script. I am already starting the host tool script which will put servers online. I am going to make this not only for my games but for the whole use of Blender along with the client script so that users can make their own multiplayer game with an easy to use host tool software. It will be safer than my other script which could be vulnerable to hackers since it will have security. I will allow database support. So if you wanted to make a list of servers (and automatically signing the public ID) you can. So users can easily join other servers. 1. It will be an executable, and no sources or original code will be out in public. 2. This will work for any change to the client script as long as the server’s password matches yours.

Q. Why such a sudden change? Why not just remake the Goran script. It’s not that hard and it’ll be faster! I want this game done.
A. I had to run the host script in blenderplayer because of how it worked. It used cube objects and AI objects to send exact information back to other clients. This can be done simply using normal text-based servers. It’d be easy for users to see one another. However, AI could be a bit difficult but I had a few systems to try on that part. Running two blenderplayers will slow down the FPS on the host’s side which isn’t the best host tool. My host tool will work better because it’s lightweight and doesn’t use blenderplayer. Thus, smooth game-play and smooth hosting.

Q. How does the security system work?
A. Passwords! Make a password.txt document and enter a password. Save, and now your server is protected. Make sure before releasing the game, match the password in the client’s script. This will allow
the servers to communicate with one another. You have to make a password or else the host tool will refuse to host.

Here is what the interface looks like so far. Not as pretty as my original concept, but it’s still being developed. Please tell me what you think of this.

All AF* games. All Audio Freak games. (I do plan on other fun RP mandatory games in the future).

This is not guaranteed for public use.

Hey, everyone.
I will be posting small updates to my twitter account so I am not flooding my topic post here.
My twitter account is: @audiofreakxd1

What will I post there?
I will be posting small updates of Reflected Fate.
I will post music I made, specifically for Reflected Fate.
I will post new developement on the host tool, or a revamped version of the network system.
I will post new graphics for the game. Whether be a logo, title screen, or model for the game.

Anything that doesn’t need a post on here will be on said account. So make sure you follow me and you’ll be informed information about my game.
Usually, I don’t do much to my game until my days off of work. So please keep tabs! :slight_smile: Thank you friends.

(Also, anything major will be updated on this forum. SO, I will make sure to tweet if you want to see the whole thing.

Hey it’s soemtime since I updated this thread. Here’s somethint.

Full Time Developement
I moved off grid, and now I have all the time in the world to complete this game. I just wanted to announce this.

If you haven’t already, please check my previous reply to this post to see the new features and systems. I’ll check in a few weeks to show more progress of the game.

Btw, the networking system is basically done! All I have to do is add day/night time in the networking, and add enemy attacks/animations in the network, and so I can finally start with level design, assets, classes, animations, and attacks!

This project started out as a joke to the Game Jolt community who said it was impossible to make an MMO in Blender, but I proved them wrong. Also, no, I don’t want to make a tutorial. I have an example .blend in the resources section. Just search for it and you’ll find it.

Just a few things about this game. This game will not contain any Linux versions. It can be run perfectly through wine. Yes, this is a Windows only game. It is running blender 2.78, so it’s good to run on older graphics cards. It will be available for 32 bit and 64 bit systems. This game is going to officially be RP mandatory, meaning it is not a PVP game. It is a virtual action roleplay game where a community will create characters and write out stories and plots for them. This game is not going to be paid to win. Everyone has to work for their statistics. Donation items will be made, but are still being planned if weapons will be involved or not. If weapons are involved, I am planning on making only perks like extra healing points or extra stat points. However, it will not make it a paid to win game as the differences will not extend chances on winning battles.

Having pets and houses are planned for this game. If you have any specific donation items you’d like to see please let me know. (Also, I will not be adding easter eggs into the game to avoid copyright laws. Don’t suggest the buster sword from FF7, or anything from anywhere.)


Lol, hahahaahh nice to see this game is back man congrats !!!
this is the best time to finish on all unfinished projects that have been lurking around in these forums here lol.

I have a good feeling about how reflected Fate will be once you near the 1st demo available for people to play man, keep it up and stay motivated to make your game buddy.


Hey man, awesome to see that you are back on this game. Good luck with the project.