Rotate/transform the bones in a mixamo rig

I’m trying to put together a sequence using a couple of mixamo animations, the first is a person falling backwards, and then I want to blend into the second which is a loop of a person falling, but in the falling loop the character is facing downwards.

In the falling loop action I’ve translated and rotated the root in pose mode to flip the character and so that the falling pose is positioned roughly in the same place:

But now what I need to do is move the root back to the origin and reset the rotation, so I can blend between the two animations in the NLA editor.

If I bake the animation and apply constraints etc, then the bone constraints linking to the root are removed, but the bones that are parented in the relations tab remain parented to the root.

Basically in pseudocode what I need to do is:
Bake animation and remove all parenting / constraints to the root.
Reset the root’s location and rotation.
Reparent and re-add all the constraints.

Okay, so I solved my problem, although not in the way I was trying to solve it yesterday - Basically I rotated and repositioned the original .fbx imported from mixamo, applied the location and rotation and then generated the rig afterwards.