Sculpt masking calls for testers!

I can see that this mask tool is still a WIP but do you think it could get into trunk for version 2.64?? or 2.65 if 2.64 is strictly for Bmesh!!!

Great work so far Nicholas! :slight_smile:
I really like the smoothing of a mask! Great! :slight_smile:
I remember back in your gsoc you had mask layers. Will you add those too? I think it was a nice addition to have a list of mask which you can enable/disable and combine…

Nevertheless… I would love to see this in trunk soon! Thank you!

Masks are not displayed with texture viewport shading. Blackschmoll tried with a matcap.
Hiding is not working with texture viewport shading,too.


Can anyone have this compiled for 64bit linux?

unfortunately I can’t run this on my Ubuntu 10.10 32bit (glibc and jpeg libs problems).
It doesn’t work on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit either (python 3.2 32bit library problems).

I have update my Linux 32bit build at graphicall with the new Patch Version.

I have answered your question in the build comment, because i have not seen that you have asked the same question here. Hope it will help you to solve the problem.

Wanna updated Win builds? Yes, of course :smiley:


i was just playing with Sculptris again…
Ctrl+D to Mask All Is Nice… (then Ctrl+I to invert mask will clear all or invert it)

Just saying would be nice to have a hotkey for “mask all”

Oh and this needs to be for the Blender and Maya keymaps. :wink:

Masking coming? Hot damn!

Bugs in the recent build:
Remove multires modifier, then add new multires modifier and subdivide but with less levels than the old multires, paint mask, then go down/up the levels and the mask gets glitched.

Painting mask on an object without multires then undoing crashes blender.

When using solidify modifier under multires, applying solidify copies mask to new geometry, but looks very glitchy. Also changes made to the mask just before applying solidify won’t get copied.


I think a transpose tool is probably not going to happen in the short term - what me might see though is use of the g/s/r keys in sculpt mode though, which is roughly equivelant. (example, mask ear, invert mask, g/s/r ear into place.)

Great update, good to see bugs fixed and suggestions implemented :slight_smile:

Another bug, stroke gets stuck as pressed down if you:

  1. Start a stroke.
  2. Press Alt
  3. Lift pen
  4. Let go of Alt.
    Where Alt is used for view rotation in 3-button mouse emulation. With mouse it continues to draw while with a tablet you just can’t rotate your view. I’m guessing that’s because the pressure reads 0 while the pen is lifted.

I don’t see difference with previous patch.

I can reproduce this bug with last update. I have to click in 3dview to stop drawing of mask stroke.

Updated Build for Linux 32 bit:
Blender r44833 + Version 4 of the Sculpt Mask Patch, Nicholas relased today.

New Win builds!


demohero, you’re my hero.

And thanks to Nicholas for the hard work.

Another bug (in demohero’s latest build):

  1. Take default cube and add a multires mod to it.
  2. Enter Sculpt mode. Subdivide.
  3. Apply the modifier.
  4. Add a new multires modifier.
  5. Subdivide. Blender crashes.

As always, thanks for your good work, Nicholas :slight_smile:

I confirmed the crash on a linux build with last patch.

It is really cool to have partially visibility in trunk. Thanks, Nicholas.

The build also seems to have greatly diminished performance. From my cpu-meter I think it might be that threading is not enabled, but I can’t be sure.