
Iritating fantasy :slight_smile:

I like it! I feel there is a lot of confusion between what is “Art” and what is “Illustration” and this is Art to me in IMHO. An organic parasite in the machine || an envelopment of nature by the machine. Mankind wants to remove biology from his evolution and thinks he can bring god to earth in a machine, this speaks to and incites those ideas to me…
It would be nice to see a good print of this work I am pretty sure the description of the image I have here is close to the intention but till its printed all I got is a description…and I thank you for that. I really like your work, stopped by your site, bookmarked. Later

Unique creature!!

Great work. I admire the concept and its realization. So good to see something more creative than photorealism made with Blender.

these curves are amazing.

nice! can’t decide if I like the processed or the raw version more :slight_smile:

Both versions are great, the processed one looks like a painting. Great!

I love the organic flow and palette. Very striking. Congrats.

Just Awesome, Nice Work !

Is it a human like thing, curled up in things in a “panic” position holding his knees? Anyways, great.

excellent flow of shapes…amazingly composed and equally well rendered…a piece of art indeed!

This is really cool. I love the paint-like feel to it, and the colours work really well together!

I keep coming back to this picture. I love the organic feel of the red mass. I love the background which complements the red mass. Over all, I think this is a wonderful picture, all be it a bit disturbing.

Looks like a god baby in a womb.Interesting.

If you look at it closely it looks like a exaggerated Alien fetus, situated sideways with its hands holding on to its knees; a huge head and small beady eyes. Anyone else see it?

Very inspiring
Makes me want to try sculptris


it’s cool that you can look at it just like a cool abstract shape, or as some wierd creature, and keep switching between them whenever you want

This render really evokes the image of hybridisation or the eventual aspect or idea of us becoming machines or be born from them. Gives it this Orwellian feel as well.

Very nice. I like it.