Some more chocolate

Thanks everyone
@conixcit take a look here,
It is the strawberry, maybe you can see how I did it looking at the file. Or you can ask me your questions.

As for a tutorial, I have to rethink how to do this after finding out about the dynamic paint thing. It will surely be much simpler. Then I will probably do a tutorial.

wow awsomeeeeeeee :smiley:
very realistic :smiley:

I am not supposed to eat chocolate! Do not go to the store, do not go to the store…

But wow, it is not part of my current planning being able to do things like this, some day :stuck_out_tongue:

My mouth is watering already :stuck_out_tongue:

wow! This is amazing, the thing that really caught my eye was the marshmallow sausage’s material, it looked like a form of sss. Can we please see the materials for it?

hmmm… I don’t understand how can I render strawberry. I downloaded blend file and can’t render nothing but red berries without seeds, environment etc (I just set another hdr instead of kitchen.hdr)…

Strawberries are my favourite part - they look really great! :slight_smile: Really good work!

It is sss, like in the strawberry, the coconut bar (it’s what it was supposed to be) is made of 2 renders, one from blender with just the SSS and another with the cycles render. I replaced the direct diffuse with the sss from blender in the composite.

@vitaly, check to see if your blender is the most recent. I have tested it in other blenders and it barely works. Even in most recent blender there are many bugs you must check (like the displacement not working, or the seeds getting out of place). If that happens, flatten the modifiers right before the particle emitters, save with a different name, close and try again.

Those are blender bugs. I suffered a lot with them, but there is nothing I can do.

while baby sitting some kids i found this and showed them this. the kids thought the candy was real. you’ve just tricked candy hungry kids lol.

Wow…great!! Like them!!!

Really Amazing!!!I like chocolate!

That looks really out from a commercial. Plz make a tutorial…pls…I would love it. :stuck_out_tongue:

You have destroyed my diet ¬¬ (?)

Nah, really good job :slight_smile:


@guismo, share material chocolate pls pls

It is a very simple material, really.

At least the one I used in the strawberry, that you can see attached. The other one was a little more complex because I was able to use uv mapping. But you can’t do that in usual simulations in blender anyway. They don’t allow for uv editing.


Amazing work. Can’t say different. Sort of made me hungry though… really, really hungry.

Can some one reapload this .blend file for studying purposes, pls.