The Journey

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bug (repeated comment, waiting for removal)

bug (repeated comment, waiting for removal)


TJ #003 v01, Arrrrrrrgggg! Sculpting this one without symmetry, horrible idea ahah!


I suggest you do time-lapses so we beginners can see how you made your sculpts.

First of all i am glad you take interest in the process that’s great, and thank you for your suggestion!.

You are absolutely right, and i plan to do so in the future!

I wont right away for 2 reasons,

1- I am still getting used to blender sculpting, i am discovering things and would rather not waste your time doing so in the time lapse.

2- My main focus in this particular project is to create 2 sculpts at least a week, that is while juggling my day job, and my personal activities at the same time.

That said i will definitely do so in the near future so stay in touch!

Goooooood Morning!

Here is a little something before I head to work, detective. I was originally planning to add hair but he looked good bald so :)!

TJ #004 v02


Friday! Morning artists!

Here is my latest update on tj # 005 v03.


could you share your material in a file? your work is fantastic

or at least a better picture of the node setup

Thanks Man! Yeah i don’t mind showing a better picture of the node setup, i’ll do that after 2nd May when i launch the project :)!

Hey! How is your Sunday treating you?

tj # 006 v02, a little vampire trying to be angry!


My Sunday is going great, just a little sore from my first half-marathon. :slight_smile:

These are all very, very impressive! My favorite one so far is the first one. It has so much life to it! (I guess I just prefer realistic over cartoony?)
Keep up the amazing work!

You are one positive sportive person Wolv, and that I respect!

Man thanks a lot! I was actually gonna eventually ask people to list their top 3 or something, that kind of knowledge helps!

Yeah i am planning to do more realistic sculpts, but i think there will be more stylized ones :)!

Cheers bro!

It is Monday 9:40 am here is Paris, i have this crazy fever and soar throat :(… But that won’t stop me from posting for you guys, and going to work :)!

Have a great day!


Gooooood RAWR Morning!

An estimation of 3 hour sculpt so far, this guy is giving me a hard time!

C&C always welcomed and encouraged!


Morning People!

Here she is, the bookworm! Drastically improved her face, and added the whole pose with a book.


Cool characters, you make it well.

Thanks :)!

He is finally here! This is how the characters are going to look like, the lighting setup, lights and overall feel!
