User testing needed : New compositor nodes patch [Vibrance, HCL, Pixelize, ...]

na mijn dutje (straks) :wink:

did an error, now compiles …

Nice! Could you post your build so that other windows user can test the nodes ?

For Windows 32 (Vista compiled mingw and cmake)
Containing more: the basrelief node too numpy (in the addons) and for instrumenting see

Unzip to a directory of your choice :wink:

SVN of this morning used …

diff file:

Yeah, coding nodes is easy and fun !

I’m not so sure about putting that in the node. It would be very hard to make a good UI that covers all the possibilities of this kind of setup. Also it would only work with block with specific sizes,

I think it would be best done with a node group.

Here are the win builds.


I’ve just watched the videos and this is super cool efbie! Thanx!
Will definitely give it a go.

-efbie- true a node group it’s fairly easy to make different alphas, or use dialate/erode nodes and have different size pixelation.

there’s still two missing nodes I would like to see in the arsenal of nodes.

  1. Lens Distortion - Dispersion
    a version that’s not radial. but linear and you can set direction yourself and it’s uniform and not max effect the further from center out. good for motion graphics effect, often seen sync with the sound.

the second one I forgot now.

it’s not a wish list, I will look into this code when I have time. but atm I code AS3 at work, haXe at home.

A vignette node would be also handy. I know i could build a vignette node via groups, but hey faster is better…
Bytheway i have a fresh build for osx. i have not a graphicall account, so i would upload it somewhere… let me know.
I also support Aermartins suggest. This would be handy too…

tungee dropbox?

Im uploading. Its an actual Freestyle build patched with the new nodes.

hihi, same message as PM :wink:

I uploaded to dropbox :wink:
But where is the link?
I mean where can i make the uploaded file public?

Ok here it is:

I’m currently finishing something that can do that and much more : A convolution filter. It’s like blur but you can use any picture as the shape and color of the blur :

I’m planning a primitive drawing node (square, circle, gradients, etc.), so that you can quickly do masks and stuff like vignetting.

Btw, thanks for the builds, it is much appreciated.

There’s some nice ideas here, and I believe there’s also been a number of other proposals to develop new nodes on the mailing list.

I think one of the core developers then came up with the idea that we need a plugin node, so you can load a script to create any effect you might need, it would essentially remove the need to have a whole bunch of specialized nodes that do things that some might people might want, because then if you need an effect, you can just download a script and use it. Perhaps this could be done by way of enabling the script through a new category in the addons menu.

Seems good thing for blender. I will give it a go soon.

There seems t be a lot going on with comp node development at the moment, how would they all get accepted for trunk? What is the process. And isn’t the whole thing being revised right now, will this stuff be redundant when that happens?

Amazing stuff! I’m loving all of them. The possibilities are becoming limitless. Thanks a lot. Can’t wait to actually try it on my 64-bit Linux Mint (Ubuntu) system. Way to go. :slight_smile:


Hi tungee,
dropbox link is not correct I am coming to my own one!

You work as follows:
Open your WWW dropbox, goto (hopefully) directory public. Right click and find the www link for the file you want to share with us.
(copy public link!!!)

@-efbie- if you can have a blur input so you can do that w/o bluring? is it possible. setting the pattern and stuf is awesome! and also a simple drawing node would be nice. currentl’y I’ve pre-rendered white on black images of stars, quads, circles etc. and have them in hi-res :smiley: just for compositing.

yeah! now I remember the missing node, I was able to do it with textures nodes. but still it would be nice to have in compositing.

2 point, 3-point and 4-point gradients!