[WIP] Blender Destructability Editor

Please speak english on the forums since most people don’t know the spanish.

gersonfx said something to the effect of: “I like the addon, have tested but have not explored all options yet”.

Thanks for help.
In “meantime” I checked privilegies - I can read and write to this directory. I download last version right now with the same result.

From Boolean operators works all from a list, except “Flat Rough” for me.

wow that looks like a great script!! Blender definitely needs something like this!

Unluckly I am a real noob with code stuff and I can’t install the libraries voro++… I have both linux and windows… Is there some more in depth guide for the installation please?

Hello, i made another video destroying a basic wall:

@vklidu: is blender allowed to write to that directory too ? Try creating an empty test.out file with touch and retry.
Under linux i installed blender in the my home directory, where blender can write to too. Under windows when installed with
installer you (still) might to run blender as admin. Sorry, as i dont have macosx, i dont know how to setup correctly the permissions
there. Soon i will try to use stdout as alternative to a file.
The boolean operator is malfunctional due to changes in bmesh/carve. Before that it worked correctly. And the code for boolean
destruction is taken with permissions from pildanovak.

@Sdados: you just need to install the addon, the library is already included. Simply copy the object_destruction dir from github
(download there via the zip button) to addons/addons_contrib folder. The library will be found automatically.

you should be able to download then put the entire object_destruction folder in your addons folder.
then activate in user preferences > addons > object > destructability editor
the menu is in properties > object panel > destructability

ops! I got scared for nothing! :smiley: Thanks a lot it works! Im gonna test it a little now! :slight_smile:

just made the path to voronoi intermediate file settable, enter a valid path and a file name in the textbox, the file will be created with this name. Other files with same path and name will be truncated, so watch what you enter there.(maybe a file selection box is better,
but this was just a quick hack)

Holy moly in that new video disconnected stuff doesnt just hangs in air! This stuff is magic for me :stuck_out_tongue:

@Brenel: to set that up you need to check ground connectivity and enter the dimensions of the grid. Furthermore ensure that the ground object touches / intersects the wall object at the bottom and is nearly the same size as the bottom of the wall.
I scaled my cube to y = 9, z = 6, x = 1 and used that settings for the connectivity grid too.

Thank you so much :slight_smile: now it works
I’m not sur what’s the problem. I setup permission for everybody.
Where exactly is “test.out” file generated (I mean location in your previous version)?

@vklidu: The test.out is generated where the exectutable of blender is located, right there in the same directory. This is the default setting.

Do you think you’ll be supporting keeping object together as one till they hit something anytime soon? I have no clue how you’d set it up, but it would be an excellent addition to the add on if you could make it a simple tick box or something.

Here’s a couple videos I made using the addon. Nothing special though.

finally!! finally voronoi cuts !!! thanks a lot!!


i recently added a checkbox for keeping the backup object visible until it gets hit. But to see any effect in recording animations, you must manually toggle/animate the objects renderability, i cannot backpropagate it from the game engine to blender.
Hope that is similar to what you think of.

And cool videos you have made there !

Extremly cool addon! Thanks! I’ll keep an eye on this. Will it be available for normal Blender mode (no GE)?

@Scorpion81: i don’t want be disrespectful, but would it be hard to let the script assign second material to all inner faces like brenel’s script does?

And what about particle cloud for generating voronoi? :slight_smile: Do you have any plans?

Anyway, does any os x user know what is the problem to create “test.out” file?

Basically I’m looking for a way to keep the broken object together as one so you could fling it at a surface, or other object, and it keep its shape and original physics till it come into contact with something, then it breaks up. Dunno if that’s possible.

Also, could you put up a tutorial on how you did the wall breaking apart like that? I messed around a bit and couldn’t get it working properly.

This addon works only in conjunction with the game engine, sorry. But you can record animations from the game engine and the destruction will be visible in blender too when you play the animation (Move the slider far right to find first frames with motion in them)

about inner faces: hmm, thats a nice idea! I might need to check the normals of all faces, which were originally there and which were added, and add a second material to the new faces. Will investigate that
about particles: You already can use a “fake” particle system using a volume object, inside its bbox random points are generated.
You can also use the volume object with “exact shape”, then the vertices of the volume object are used to create points, That doesnt match the part count anymore, but the count of the vertices of the volume object. I could also add support for real particle systems
But first i evaluate ways how to keep the parts of the original objects geometry visibly intact until it gets hit

When you uncheck “Ground Connectivity” after setup player on the P0_xxx object, the object can move and is destructible (by default only by the ball, you can set the ground as destructor too and add P0_xxx as destructor target. Then it should break apart when it hits the ground, too)

To setup the wall: scale the default Cube X=1, Y = 9, Z=6, Use Voronoi and 500 parts, Setup player on the P0_xxx object. Then leave ground connectivity checked, and set X=1, Y= 9, Z=6 in the connectivity grid settings. Important: Move/Scale the ground object so that intersects the wall at its bottom. Use the same size as the walls bottom (SY = 9) and then scale it uniformly up a bit
so that it is slightly(!) larger than the walls bottom. Hit To Game Parenting and start game engine. Check the console output whether
“Found Ground Cell” Messages appear. If so, scaling of ground object was correct. Sometimes it doesnt work with a too large ground object. If Ground cells were found, then the wall should collapse like in the provided blend.

@vklidu: inner material support added