Simple AI

Tutorial 1

Here is tutorial 2 about the node placement.

Here is tutorial 3, this one makes the bot obey gravity, and adds 3 speeds, and the ability to follow the pathnode network in reverse.

tutorial 4 THEY LIVE!!! the bot get a bit more aware of the surroundings. and allows multiple instances.

Tutorial 5 ,bot climbs Ladders, and navigates broken parts of the map.

Tutorial 6, adding a new network… kind of boaring, but a quick one…

Tutorial 7, Forced network changes, Ladder volumes

Tutorial 8, Death, Gibs, Fireball’s,Falling from great distances,some basic map optimization to keep gibs flowing without much lag.
Demo starts looking more like a game.
we are very proud of this

And here are all the tutorials and blender files in 1 zip for easy offline browsing.
wonder how I might add this to the blender Wiki?

Thank you. Great tutorials(and the link isn’t broken)

Hi b0mberman!

thanks for the encouragement,
I will be mirroring this tutorial on a few sites when It is complete to make sure no dead links in the future :slight_smile:

I just finished tutorial 3 :slight_smile:

I am looking forward to #4

great job but IS only a pathfinding or a simple script like seek for the eneemy without stucking in a wall ?

hi black reaper,

yea, it is only path finding for now, later we will go over attacking the player and NPC’s.

The tut. looks great, but that seems to be a hell of a lot of logic bricks…

Nice! But the path you set, is that the ONLY path the bot can follow? Meaning if it goes to attack a player will it actually chase the player or stay inside the path area?

nice work though :).

Tutorial 4 all done :smiley:
I am going to be adding a lot more interaction in the future tutorials.

Hi Zoup,
Yes, lots of bricks at first, but later adding behavior is quite simple.
From tutorial 4 on, the bots are going to get wise with only a few additions to the logic.

Hi Braveheart,
in future tutorials the bot will interact with multiple pathnode networks, and other things in the map, like Jump pads, elevators, and ladders.

The very last tutorial will deal with the player, first we must make them interesting, and good at navigating the map.

Thanks for the input everyone :smiley:

the hard part is all done, now adding personality is getting fun. :smiley:
After we get all the basics of bot 1 done, we can just clone it for new bots, and do minimal tweaking to make them unique.
So when making a real game, you just make 1 bot fully functional in a map, and then you can clone his attributes to other bots to save time.

Just got home from work, will see you guys on the IRC later tonight :smiley:

I have some rigged models for you, if you want to spruce up your presentation a bit…

Nice work so far Mmph!,

also you dont have to put my name on this method, I stole the ideas from 3d game studio, and quake and unreal, and foxbot for halflife :stuck_out_tongue:

see you guys in a while, I need to cook dinner before I get started.

It seem complicated to manage with logic brick but if you have them you can inspire yoursefl to make a AI with python. I think we can learn by his tutorial.
most of people don’t know how to create a AI and how it works so It a really god Idea !

Hi p00fie!

What kind of models do you have? If I am not here later just DCC whatever you got.
I need to go to the market later tonight.

Hi Black reaper,
Yea I agree, the basic concept can be taken to python or C real easy.

I personally like the logic brick approach too, it makes doing the tutorial about the logic very simple :smiley:
Everything is all drawn out and illustrated by the blocks, it is almost like looking at a flow chart.

ok back to logic brick programming :smiley:

It’s very complicated…Better using a Python script.

Do you have one available that does basically the same thing?

It’s very complicated…Better using a Python script.

You mean to say that a page full of code is less complicated to understand, program, and debug than 20 sets of blocks?

I think not. :smiley:

This documentary of bot creation was meant to teach non-programmers the basics of a path finding AI. The programmers in the audience are more than welcome to use the methods to make their code too :smiley:

What I would like to see is someone code a “Web” network like in Half Life 2.
They make a grid on all walkable surfaces, and the mapper color codes the grid for the desired paths, they can also add sniper points,ambush points and Etc… THe computer Adds Sniper and ambush points too in all the spots you missed 8)

The thing I like most about a web network, is that the bot can follow multiple paths in the mesh, rather then a straight line like using pathnodes/way points.

I am almost done with tutorial 5, the bots are climbing up the ladders, I have also made part of the map Nodeless , so you can see that the bots will find the way back to the path network even if there are no nodes in the line of site.(unlike Unreal, or quake 1,2,3, or foxbot)

I make the bot aware of the ladders, and instructions on how to use the ladder in 1 row of blocks :smiley:

Be back after I fix all my spelling mistakes :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll write it

After reading the first tut, I noticed something that would make node placing a lot easier: if you turn 3d off in the track actuators, it doesn’t matter how tall the nodes are, or if they’re above or below the ground, the bot will track to a spot on it’s level beneath or above the node.

Ok, I got the tutorial 5 complete,

tutorial 6 should be another small one, I hope I complete it today.

Hi Johando!
thanks , could you please do a bit of documenting as well when you make your script? I would love to read about how you develope it.

EDIT : Hi captain Oblivion!
yes this is true!
thanks for your input, I am going to cover the 3D button when I go over how to get him up a ramp.
That way he faces uphill while he climbs it.
The flying bots will all have the 3d ticked too in the “flynodes”
Thank you for your input everyone :slight_smile:

We need more AI documentation for blender game engine!

Very nice and thank you for taking time to build these tuts. Please place them under the GE in the wiki?

I agree about using the logic bricks. It would be nice if one day, the logic bricks were able to accomplish everything you can accomplish with script. But with a little different visual then the way they are now.

Thank you very much. Great job.

Conversely, ititrx, I’d love it if python could do everything without having to be connected to logic bricks. To each his (or her) own, I suppose.

These tutorials are pretty darn snazzy. Now you’ve inspired me to go make up my own AI solutions. Dammit, I already have enough on my plate without you whippersnappers coming along giving me more.

Ok ,
I have updated with tutorial 6 … I added a new network of pathnodes,
After Dinner I will add a third,
It is one of the shortest tutorials yet, but adds a lot to the map!

I am really starting to enjoy watching the bots.
after I add 20-40 of them it is like a heavy meatal concert… some places get mosh pits,
some guys do stage dives off tier 2…
lots of fun :smiley:

after I add the 3rd network, I might quickly cover elevators and jump pads :smiley:

Hi Captain Oblivion!
That is great news! the more AI the better.

Hi Itirx!

I totaly agree, I hope in the future it is more like the new material, and render node system.
I also hope in the future we can color code our logic bricks too!!, this would be very nice for organizing things!

well, I am off to make food, thanks for your intrest everyone :slight_smile: