Simple AI

LOL, Yes I agree with you, The scripts should run without the logic bricks. You would think since the objects all have names, etc it could.
But it has to go through that interface.

I am really starting to enjoy watching the bots.
after I add 20-40 of them it is like a heavy meatal concert… some places get mosh pits,
some guys do stage dives off tier 2…
lots of fun :smiley:

LOL, oh thats funny… I want to watch too!

Here is a link to a precursor to tutorial 7…

it basically has all the path nodes complete…

I just uploaded it so you guys can see all the nodes in action :slight_smile:

the bot now covers every inch of the map :D, and crosses the bridges…

I need help you.
If you use this script,

you don’t need this

Ha ha! this is a great work Johando.

I love how you have made this so simple :slight_smile: (minimalistic)

Would you like to join p00f and I on our AI quest?

p00f has all the books on AI and he is going to do some modeling soon, and I making the tutorial for the logic brick only version.

Would you like to make the same AI but in a python version so we dont leave programmers out of this tutorial series Johando?

After we get all done with the tutorials we are going to be adding them to the official Wiki.

Even if you dont join us Johando, thanks for your advice and code knowlage :smiley:

Give me link to the blends or webside…


–Thanks for posting that small AI .blend using python. It should prove useful.


– I haven’t really looked over any of these tutorials yet. I downloaded and played one of the last files you provided, and it kix. I had about 50-70 of those little guys running around before the framerate deteriorated. Surprisingly, it runs pretty fast on my old rig.

Everyone: please keep the AI tuts a-coming. I think the Blender community has been somewhat lacking on this important matter, until recently. Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure, but this is wip reamake this AI
I’ts very complicated for me understand how this thing function.
my work

and this

PS:I’m realy sorry for my bad english

There are my AI from space game

it’s really exciting hmpf !! between you and Poof pocho and social ! I’m so sad my knowlegde in python are so low but I’m learning. I hope I’ll could help befor the project’s finished.

I’ve a contribution if you want it’s a character a mercenary. He has two animation, walk and run. it’s fully animated maybe you would use it on your demo ?


We have tutorial 7 hot off the press :smiley:

Just a couple of small additions, and we have a world of difference.
Soon i will have to model a real map for them. I am surprised how well they navigate in such small corridors.

check out post 1 in this thread for the link :slight_smile:

Hi s_cross,

Yea I am surprised how many little guys i can spawn before lag. Glad you like the demo, more to come :slight_smile:

Hi johando,

Your script totally rocks! I love how it works.
You are very good at this :slight_smile:

Hi Black reaper,

Thanks for the file! I will see if we can fit it in. p00f has been animating like a mad man the past few days.

I like the new face lift you gave the map…

you really stretch that 1 texture to the limit!
I guess it ok, this is only a tutorial :smiley:

the pulse you send to the bots every 15 seconds makes them all tweak at exactly the same time.
this is cool if you are doing schools of fish or flocks of birds, but for monsters this will be very noticeable in the game.

why not do it on an individual level, so that they all don’t fix themselves at the same time.
(like I told you yesterday!)

The way we are staying with 100% logic bricks is what is allowing us to have so many bots, with a script, we would only be able to half as many.

scripts take longer to process than hard wired blocks if I am not mistaken.

I need to go to work, please check the subversion folder for the new animations,
and some new nude photos of my wife :stuck_out_tongue: (just joking)

have a nice day everyone :slight_smile:


Wtf! you ding my IRC to wake me up, then run off to work!!! coward!!


The way we are staying with 100% logic bricks is what is allowing us to have so many bots, with a script, we would only be able to half as many.
Are you sure about this? It seems like a script could be much more simple.

But then again when you look at C++ compared to assembler, the C code seems much more simple, but that is only for when humans read it.
Assembler code will be more confusing to read, but it is closer to the computers native binary code, thus making some things run quite a bit faster once compiled.

I am not sure if blender compiles the python into ML, or if it inturprates the script in real time.

well anyways, that is off topic a bit…
the models look cool, but you did not pack or include the textures.
the sounds are like 1980’s video games too, can we use some samples for the more complex stuff?

I got to back to finishing up the tutorials , we might be able to complete this bot today, and move on to another type of bot.

TUTORIAL 7 is now available in the first post. just did a file switch so the .blend matches the tutorial exactly.

there is the character
I hope you could use it

god tutorial MMPH…
Is amazing you only used logicbricks for ia.
Is works very well
Black reaper you model it shines very well and the animation is great…

it’s shine ? what do you mean ?
all the animation are not done. It was for a project I didn’t finish with an team so it’s free an everyone could use it. Just give me the credit.

my excuses my English is a little bad …
i like say:
you model look very good
i am for argentina i dont write and speak very well the English language

me puedes hablar en espagnol lo entiendo tambien asi que no pasa nada.

Pero sera mejor si traduces para los demas.

Thanks guys!

Here is a little taste of what is to come :slight_smile:

PRE-tutorial 8 demo,
MAN! I am proud of this one

Well is is really starting to look nice!
The bots are starting to get an attitude, they now shoot fireballs at each other!!
they can open doors, and I am starting to do some team specific stuff.

p00f did some of his magic, and we have floor splat decals, and a nice little gib system!
we are currently doing a punch list for sounds, and textures.

we are almost ready to make a real map now!

the tutorial should be done shortly… most people will just be able to look at the .blend and get the general idea, nothing is very complicated.

we are currently fixing :
Lag when certain gib combos are used.
Lag when 2 bots are spawned too near the same time.
Too many polys in gibs, we are going to do some poly reduction on everything, after we get the animated charictor all textured, and implemented.

teams will get specific weapons so we can control team damage.

future guns will make sure there is no rail,door,wall or teammate before firing .This will stop bots from killing themselves and reduce friendly fire.

we are thinking about a koopa stomp like in super mario brothers too… jump on the enemy head, and you squish them.

You uploaded the .blend1 instead of the .blend.