HULK Animation

Testing this new Model named: HULK like the movie:D
Very short demo.

Watch it Here

NOTE: Watch the animation and enjoy, this is an art Thread mostly.

If you hate my work because the HULK name belongs to Marvel or whoever, you may say it in just one line. As “rvngizswt” did without much BLA BLA BLA.

Don’t write long documents saying bad words like my ass will be sued, that I am going to be raped in prison…etc etc As Mr WAYLOW and his friends. That type of comment does not help at all plus I will see that as pure envy and frustration from your side. Be educated, this is a thread about work in Blender…I have never ever offended anyone when evaluating their work…plus my thread then is distorted to other subject. Neither I want to hear stories that you are a super Hero lawyer because I simply will not believe it.



if you ask me, i would avoid copyrighted material.

you can’t sell this model because of what he said
(unless you have written permission from Marvel)

you will probably get away with making a fan animation
but not if you are trying to sell it

On the model/rig itself

the rigging looks pretty good from the short bit of the animation
and the model looks out of proportion
and he is too thin in the middle
and he hardly has enough body mass from the side view
(especially in the chest)

Well I sold a few the same night I posted. I could change the name to HULKY…and problem solved.

Out of proportions, I don’t think so. The video demo rig is stretched to fit the screen, so he looks thinner in there. However, yes it is skinnier than the original caricature…well I do not like the original it really looks out of proportions to me…hands the same size than the forearm…do not like it…it is too exaggerated…I made my own version…more human ! The Muscle Man Hulky !

By the way, the chest has controls to enlarge it…

Thanks for your comment !:smiley:

…sorry but that won’t solve the problem
what you call the model is irrelevant because the name AND the visual representation (“the likeness”) of the character is owned by Marvel (now owned by Disney I believe)

you would need to change it quite a bit before it would be considered “yours”

I’m not trying to be a pain in the arse - just warning you
I would hate for you to get into the Sh*t because of your passion fro 3D

what waylow said

and disney tend to sue very frequently over the littlest thing, mostly because they can

You have been reading and believing too much Sh?t…my friends. It does not work like that. Make your first million out of it and start worrying about it. Plus this HULK is skinnier so any “likeness” is just mere coincidence…:rolleyes: “Mine” did not use steroids…“mine” is a healthy HULK !

For those who can’t handle it then just call him: “PEPITO THE RIG” so you can get some sleep tonight.:no:

By the way…SHREK is coming ! Sorry.

i think your the one mistaken blenderguy, if i was the original creator of the hulk i would sue your ass for every penny because of copyright, first off the name is used, second the colouring, third the whole concept,

you see if you created it for the public domain they probably wouldnt care but because you are taking money away from them, they will care.

to learn about copyright and public domain what this

That’s the problem, people talk without having a clue of the facts. Taking money away from them? What are you talking about? Do they make rigs for sale you clown?:no:

Second: Publicity is a big fact…a rig is not keeping customers from going to watch their movies…at the contrary is publicity on their side, I am not stealing their customers…simple as that…“Different Fields” learn about this.

You seem to not know much about the media business or how things work my friend. There are many factors that you are unaware of. Profits, Fields, Publicity, Customers range targeting…and a few more I do not recall now.

suing my ass if you were the Creator of Hulk? Never support your ideas with illusions or dreams that never came true. Land in hard surface and live the present…hypothetical situations are only for losers…You should Worry about yourself…not about someone else potential problems…that’s a losers’ behavior too. If you were the creator of Hulk we might not even talking now in the first place…or you might be happy of the publicity of your character!:smiley:

Hope you do not get a stroke when I finish SHREK…pleaase:evilgrin::spin::evilgrin:


It seems you do not know what you are talking about.
it’s as simple as this armando - You do not own the rights to this character
therefore you cannot sell and profit from it - period

The reason they do not sell the model and the rig themselves is so other people (like you) cannot make a profit from their idea, as well as produce lower quality work of their character

Do you remember the guy that was re-branding Blender and selling it - earlier this year
Blender is GPL - why was he breaking the law?
because he did not have the rights to the artwork he was using on his website (among other things)

If you were the creator of Hulk we might not even talking now in the first place.

this is true - you would be talking with their lawyer
telling you exactly what we are saying

Hope you do not get a stroke when I finish SHREK…pleaase:evilgrin::spin::evilgrin:

this is one sure way to dig your whole deeper
we are trying to educate you on copyright law

if you sell these rigs - you are breaking the law

I know personally - I won’t have a stroke when you try to sell shrek
but good luck trying to get “Bubba” to stroke your hair when he’s had his way with you in prison

(you should get used to the position the Hulk is in)

Read this:

Blenderguy2008 is correct, the model is entirely legal as long as it refrains from being called " The Hulk". Now, if you are sued (Which is extremely unlikely) it is possible that the model could be found to pass as copyright infringement, in which case you would be breaking the law. Though, at the moment… (With a simple name change) You are perfectly fine.

Transmorphers (A film which came out the same year as Transformers did) comes to mind.

But nikolaus Transmorphers had a slightly different story line, and a different origin of the bots, as well as no heroes to step in and fight for the humans.

A name change does not bypass copyright law

If it did - somebody will pay $5, download this rig
then call it “Mary” and sell it for $3

Blender-G: You are correct, which is why I used that film in reference to this Hulk character.

Waylow: It doesn’t bypass copyright law until a court finds him guilty, someone would have to claim copyright first. If he changed the name from “The Hulk” he should be fine.

His model shares very few similarities to the actual Hulk, be it the green pants, or the odd proportions.

I wouldn’t associate any of the three with his model.

Waylow you behave as a hard head here. You change the name an everything changes. You are the one who should read a bit more about this stuff…you simple don’t know and you try to put things together the way you would like then to be. Don’t call yourself educator when what you reflect is complete ignorance period.

So what you said is noone on the world can’t make a green monster humanoid like with the name of: PEPITO because is going to get sue? So green color is now forbiddden? Humanoide like is forbodden? Please don’t talk of stuff you don’t have a clue, you work as a comediam…what you learn on the street is not entire veracity. Educate yourself first before playing the lawyer-teacher, period.

Look you refuse to put your neurons to work, the Blender example is a 180 degrees different story since they were selling the Blender Software itself…they did not code it! They are thieves…however you can make “make and code” your own 3D software package even with a platform “similar to blender” and sell it as “BLENDERIT” …simple as that my friend. It would be disgusting but it would be perfectly legal.

If someone sell it for $ 3 and call it Mary…so what is the problem? Plus a sue is very unlikely to happen, you will see…:eyebrowlift2:

Ohh…it seems you got some expertise on this field…Now your anger and frustration makes sense…someone has taken your natural Copyright away from you? He he:evilgrin:

Sorry for you if you went to prison seriously…Tell us more about it…you know since you want to play the educator…pleaaase:(

I don’t think that just change a name or color could save from a copyright(law). XD But fortunately i don’t think that the creator of Hulk (or the owner of licence) come here and i don’t think you will be sued! (Not for that kind of hulk)

Anyway nice wip and keep working on it, you can improve it.:yes:

you seem to think I am attacking you
I am not

You change the name an everything changes. You are the one who should read a bit more about this stuff…you simple don’t know and you try to put things together the way you would like then to be. Don’t call yourself educator when what you reflect is complete ignorance period.

you are the one selling a rig called “the Hulk” which you have been told is a breech of copyright and you still continue

So what you said is noone on the world can’t make a green monster humanoid like with the name of: PEPITO because is going to get sue? So green color is now forbiddden? Humanoide like is forbodden? Please don’t talk of stuff you don’t have a clue, you work as a comediam…what you learn on the street is not entire veracity. Educate yourself first before playing the lawyer-teacher, period.

first of all check you spelling
Then contact a copyright lawyer for PROFESSIONAL advice
taking unqualified advice is not the greatest of ideas (this includes people from an internet forum)

I was told this by a Copyright lawyer (probably during a few lectures I was at during my education on the street)

Look you refuse to put your neurons to work, the Blender example is a 180 degrees different story since they were selling the Blender Software itself…they did not code it! They are thieves…however you can make “make and code” your own 3D software package even with a platform “similar to blender” and sell it as “BLENDERIT” …simple as that my friend. It would be disgusting but it would be perfectly legal.

you are confused as to why it was illegal - please read the GPL license
you are allowed to sell Blender and call it Blender, even if you did not code it!!

Did you learn this from the street?

If someone sell it for $ 3 and call it Mary…so what is the problem? Plus a sue is very unlikely to happen, you will see…:eyebrowlift2:

you really don’t see the problem with this?

I give up - good luck with you’re venture

I pretty much agree with Waylow. You specifically called it The Hulk in your first post and when you sold it (which you continue to do). That is illegal. Saying you’re going to change it doesn’t change the fact that you already sold it as such and admitted that you sold it as such. However, I do agree that the original Hulk model is much better than yours, so I think you’re somewhat safe in the similarities. However, if you get sued, chances are, they have MUCH better lawyers than you and you are screwed. I am going to stop arguing here though because I am admittedly no expert in law.

What does bother me about this thread, however, is Waylow is obviously trying to help you, and you repeatedly take offence and spit in his face. There is no reason to get defensive :). We’re all friends here, after all! :smiley: It’s not like he’s attacking you or anything. Your ignorance is unbelievable.

You can reply or argue at me all you want, but I’m not going to sit here and argue with someone who doesn’t understand the general differences between right and wrong.

Good luck. You might get sued, you might not, but that doesn’t change the fact that you broke (and are continuing to break) the law. How about making something original next time? You know, use some of that creativity that you use so often in your defensive posts :o

TO: WAYLOW and MAGICIAN whatever:

ha ha…some people here is really hurt because I am making some money with my Own HULK version, even when it is far from looking like the model of the movie…

This is a thread about art…not to tell me what should I do, that’s why people get hurt because I just disagree with their facts…If you read the entire thread I am not the only one who disagrees why? Because many facts you are unaware of. I keep saying this, someone else said it too, but you do not want to listen.

You are not obviously involved with the media and not entirely informed…simple as that.

You can comment…you guys get offended when I disagree.

Saying stuff like: if I was the creator of HULK I would do this and this and this to you…that obviously reflects frustration, envy and anger on your side…it is irrelevant…you already made up your point, now let it go, do not argue, get some sleep.

Look, I have many other posts, I have being selling “The Dino Raptor Rig”, people that I am arguing here now have not even said a negative or positive word in my other threads? Why? Because they are frustrated clowns and they just like to argue and see the black dots to make up their own psychological relief, to feel themselves important…they refuse to listen other facts…is that Envy? Social resentment?

Well just God knows it.

Take a break and forget about this Hulk thing, I won’t change anything until I consider it appropriate period.

I would not ask you for money if I got sued…(Which is unlikely to happen) so get some sleep !:spin:
