Rendering cars. Big level UP!

All done in cycles.

nah because i fell so bad to acctualy do somethink creative so i just download some cars and fave funn with rendering them in simple studio, not allways the point is realistic.

So hear it is :smiley: SLS AMG made by pranavjit shaders are done by me :stuck_out_tongue: you can download it from my blendswap account :stuck_out_tongue:
300 samples :smiley:

lux, cyc, or yaf?

Cycles :smiley: a lot of to improve… acctualy i have to make better background smooth curve… not sharp box :stuck_out_tongue: and maybe add some hard light reflections? but is it good bad?

acctualy after making few cars… adjust shaders i want to make big render of all cars from blenderswap together :smiley:

its good. lke you said, sceen could use some work but its an easy fix. i based my scene setup off several tutorials i have seen allong with pics of actual photo studios. if you would like to see, i can post pics

Hmm i do like the colors… in addition what has already been said… isnt that panel next to the headlights supposed to be sharp instead of curving like that… same thing for the door seams, make them sharper

Model of ferrari done by Rainers
No textures (no badges of ferrari…) my materials :stuck_out_tongue:
100 samples :stuck_out_tongue: quick render befor going sleep. Now i will let go in full HD 1000 samples bove cars to render :stuck_out_tongue:

^^ are you using just a sweeping plain to create the background? i use a circular bowl type background with a shadow dome overhead with a softbox above the car and a strip light placed just outside the bowl and dome to create different shadow gradients

Whole sceen is inside box with bright walls diffiuse. One curve on floor is roundeed. One big plane on top and 2 other planes.
So hear it is ferrari in full HD 1000 samples… and what can i see that i have to adjust the scale of pearl scale in my shader :stuck_out_tongue: link to fullHD

SLS vs 458 with one you would drive :P?
200 samples… final render in fullHD will be on 500 samples :stuck_out_tongue: rendered on i5 19 minutes :stuck_out_tongue:

wow. what a cool render of my model. dude can you give me some high res photo of sls amg so that i can change it there on blendswap.
you will be credited. :smiley:

okey tomorow i will post hear render so you can copy it :stuck_out_tongue: do you want light or in dark them?

quick render :stuck_out_tongue: the shaders are corrected and some improvments do you like it? i have to corect the front of SLS around headlamps because there are so big gaps…

458 for me please :wink:

Love the dark render btw, very cool :slight_smile:

okey so FULLHD render 1000 samples on i5 :smiley: only 12H hahahah xD
full hd resolution

i like it a lot but the cars paint shaders feel just a tad off. they feel a little too metallic. feels very fake, but the render itself is great

whoaaa, very welcome man,
i see you don’t have the logo textures, do you want them.
very very nice render man. i have to say
this is better than my own render lol.:smiley:

Maybe add a paint speckles shader and some white balance, or just no septia filter, but looks great.

i just made a break through discovery on car lighting, atleast in lux, by looking at some pictures of studios that used spot lamps on walls and hanging pannels instead of soft boxes. you can see how it looks (grainy still) on my last post of my lamborghini thread. ill post a pic of the setup on this thread later.

The white fireflares are because, rear lights have very big emission value i forgot to change this xD

And it would be nice if you can send me the texture of logo once again great model of car!

Some new renders coming im excited!!

hey, i messaged you the link to texture files, have a look!
awesome render, both of them!
by the way, i am repairing my old models and even updating them to the up to date model
will release a pack soon as i am finished.