Can't get Blender to use Alt-Left Mouse for Rotate View

I am trying to use Blender in its “stock” configuration. But one thing I simply cannot handle is non-maya style navigation.

So when I start Blender I choose the Maya preset. For the most part it takes (i.e. I can pan using Alt-Middle Mouse, and I can zoom using Alt-Right Mouse). But Alt-Left mouse does not rotate.

I have checked the preferences and under 3D View, Rotate View shows up three times. The first time it is set to Alt-Left Mouse. The second time it is set to Alt Mouse/Trackpad Pan. The third time it is set to Mouse/Trackpad Rotate.

Any clues how I get it to behave “correctly”?*

*As in, do what what the Maya present says it should do.

Second question:

I know people make various presets for Blender. Any that you would recommend that don’t interfere with learning (i.e. following tutorials)?

I tried to setup blender to have Maya style mouse navigation and the usual blender shortcuts that I am familiar with. It is actually quite complex task and even though I managed to get it working it still has some problems (it has some glitches here and there). I can probably share the setup (I have to find out how to share it) and maybe someone can further refine it.

Here is my Key Configuration:
You need to open user preferences and under the Input tab there is Import Key Configuration button.
I use it daily and it works quite well but sometimes the settings interfere with other shortcuts.


I’ll download that and try it out.

By the way, your portfolio looks fantastic. Is that Blender or something else?

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Let me know if it works or if you have some problems with it.

Thanx for your kind comment :). For the stuff in my portfolio I used only Blender and Photoline.

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