I need a simple 3D scene which will be used as a testing CG environment to test algorithms for generating panoramic images from multiple images.
The idea is to have a scene centered all around one camera and that the camera should be able to rotate in all directions and be able to render something.
Specific constraints:
- the scene should contain multiple objects covering the whole field of view around the main camera (the choice of the objects is left to the artist but they should be not too simple and exhibit various shapes and textures)
- an environment texture should be used and set at infinite distance (I can provide equirectangular panoramas of various scenery if needed)
- the scene should render well using Blender Render
The choice of the scene is left to the artist. I was thinking for example of a desert with close cactus and rocks, and dunes at middle distance, but I’m open to suggestions of course.
The scene should be fairly simple (not too many polygons for fast rendering since the scene will be rendered many times using different cameras) and is not required to be photo realistic. The distance unit should be the metric system (base unit: cm for example).
The expected delivery is a Blender file containing the scene, objects and textures. It must use Blender Render (and not Cycles).
Please ask questions if something is not clear enough.