1 Click Rig. Unreal to Blender characters conversion addon

Hi everyone!
I have created a new addon for rigging unreal engine characters, and more.


Github(documentation in progress):


Nice can’t wait to see next video, addon look very promising :slight_smile:

Here is your next video :grinning:

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Do you plan on creating a Godot version? :slight_smile:

If Godot gives me a grant.

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A 3rd part and an update is ready.


Very promising tool, nice work!.

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This works extremely well for the Mannequin into Blender and adding animations to FPS / TPS Skeleton but i get many errors using Mixamo rig and trying to convert it, not sure why it fails.

Why when I add fbx at unrial my person looks like this? I makee all steps like at video