1 material on 2 objects, but results are diffirent, why?

I created one scene for product animation, I applied simple colored material on 2 sets of objects, 1 set is inside the JAR, and the other 1 set is outside the JAR… and the both looks different… I filled the Jar with RGID Body, any outside I used Particles Simulation…
I dont understand what to do…? can anyone help me out?

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if you meant the material of what inside the jar looks darker than the one outside the jar… of course your jar material isn’t filly transparent
even the background looks darker through the jar
what do you want to achieve?

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Thanks for replying me, friend…
Yes, I want them to see more clearer as the beans outside… of cource, then can’t be fully same…
I exported the outer beans as Alembic and import back as seperate mesh, then it showed the color as it is in current condition…

If you hide the jar do they looks the same?

so i think maybe you should work on the jar material. if you show us a cscreenshot of the jar’s material nodetree we can help you better.

check what is the color of the transparent jar, if it’s a dark color it will do that so make it lighter to have the desired effect
and if there is a volume shader connected to it

This happens because Cycles isn’t very good at doing glass shadows, not enough light goes through. For this reason, it can be a good idea to use the light path trick in the glass material:

If you do this, the shadows will use the transparent BSDF instead of the regular glass material. That way, you get full control on the shadow’s color and opacity, and the transparent BSDF doesn’t have the same issues with light that refractive shaders have.

An alternative is to use path guiding. It can help Cycles find and calculate complex light rays more easily, which can help with this glass problem among other things.

However, it’s only available for CPU and it’s really slow, so it would only be useful for a static image.

Hi, I noticed both have problem…
1 - Jar has also some darkness, ( I attached nodtree)
same material

2 - With hidden Jar, Beans also show different colors… (Beans have same material…)

are you sure they have the same materials?
sometimes material slots can be confusing where one object can have more than one material. and one is given to some part of the object another to the other parts

for the last node tree if it’s the jar. those are very high roughness values to what i saw in the first picture. maybe you are using Coat but still that’s is too rough for that material maybe

Yes, I got some mistake… and it looks more better…
Now, My first issue related to texture differnce is resolved…
Thanks a lot…
I like further help in it, If you like to…?
Still not showing the feel in it, can you help me related to that as well?

Im not sure i understand that sentence. Can you elaborate ?

I meant, it does not look professional’s work and not much attractive…

i think you need to tweak your lighting to give it more contrast (and separation fro the background) a rim light maybe
and weak the materials a bit. isn’t that pink material supposed to be shinny a bit (less roughness)

give it a depth of field to your camera (blur on front and back) it’s in teh camera seeting

you need shade smooth and maybe a subdivision modifier here:

if i was you i will restore a bit the darkness of the jar for separation and contrast with the background
make it a bit darker in it’s diffuse and a bit of tint (a bit like you can’t even perceive but not pure white)

and IMO it’s feels over exposed. less ambient light

and at the end maybe a vignetting and lens distortion in post

and you know taste is subjective… those were my two cents

These are the most precious suggestions I ever had…, Brother…
I do all these adds-in here… one by one… Then I will show you the difference…

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