1 Quad to 2 Quads?

I’m making a pistol slider and faced geometry issue. I want to keep quad topology, but have no idea how to make single quad to 2 quads:

Actually there are 3 quads need to be connected with 6 quads, but somehow I made it each left and right quads, but stuck in middle quad.

How do I connect single quad in the middle to 2 quads middle with keep quad topology?

I’d use the Knife tool. Hold the Control key to snap to vertices and edge midpoints.

Thanks, but use Knife Tool to where?

After activating the Knife tool in Edit Mode (shortcut: ‘K’ key), you can cut new edges inside faces, and split one quad polygon into two quads.

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Maybe you are looking for something like this: Daily Blender Tip 182 - Quad Topology Tips