10 Cubes Challenge Okidoki

Okay… now on it’s own… because of my very fast (What ?? How did i missed that ???) post… while everything was still moving a bit :wink: :

Escape of the T-Rex

…loosing all my likes :sweat:


We don’t live for likes (even though I think you got most of them back)

Anyway, didn’t tell you back then but I love this t-rex

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Ahh :sweat_smile: it was just because this other post was my fist one with ten likes… so i was so happy… and then after noticeing to make it a single one… :cry: sniff… so it was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster…

But then again i got the next one…

No this aren’t tears… it seems to be i got something into my eyes…

Thank you all…


Not all lost! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Actual theme:

Nature will find a way…
