10 Cubes prompt #3 - Food

Great work exploring the more artistic side of things for the still life prompt, now lets do something a bit more universal and approachable.

My favorite! Prompt #3 is Food.

Make me a pizza!
Make your favorite snack!
Make a feast!

Make your own topic and post one (or several!) submissions.

If it works for your image, look into using the line art modifier to add some definition to the edges of your cubes, check out this tutorial for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK2tAjSjVdc

Here is another example from @johweedee - Sushi:


Hi @SterlingRoth :slight_smile:
What is the purpose of 10C ?

I mean… why would i brainstorm for making a 10C scene ?

People who make great scene have the pleasure of showing their work on the top banner :slight_smile:
And this is really a good thing but… 10C… i don’t find any interrest :confused:
This looks like some short-life street art but without the eye pleasure…
What will be those scenes in 10 years ?

And what is the purpose of the thing ?
Will those who make your favorite pizza be pinned on BA forum banner for 3 months ?

Those are just questions :wink: Dont be mistake on my intentions but… if you want people deal with a trial, there MUST be a price :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy blending !

Generally, the goal is to get people to work within limitations. It forces you to think about things much more carefully and closely. Much like Nodevember forces you to think about how to do things differently, thus helping you to learn how to do new things.

More specifically, it gets people thinking about composition of a scene. When you can clearly read the scene with only 10 cubes, your composition is probably pretty good. It’s also a good basic modeling exercise for similar reasons, blocking out the silhouette of an object is an important aspect of visual hierarchy. If you started a scene with similarly coarse blocks, you would have a decent framework to start adding more details to.

Also, the barrier to entry is low. Which encourages new users to play along. I have seen probably a dozen users with their first post in the challenge. Nodevember is awesome, but if you don’t have a decent grasp on how nodes work, it’s tough to join in on that challenge. All you need to do a 10 cubes scene is G R and S :slight_smile:

The reward for struggle is growth :slight_smile: