10 Cubes (SR) 01:Movies

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Here’s my first submission:


And another - getting in the holiday season:


Cool, especially like the ventilation shaft scene. Getting the christmas vibe from that… :grin:

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So far my favourite!

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Brilliant lighting for the lighter.

Come out to the coast, have a few laughs…


I was just about to type this. You beat me to it… GRRR… lol. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :dizzy: :yum:

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Great minds think alike :+1:

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What’s really freaky, is, with quite literally 10 cubes, you can see the scene in the movie. His sarcastic face saying those words.
(Whispers) That I was thinking of first, but was beaten to the punch. :yum:

But seriously. Outstanding! And as someone else said, very topical for this time of year.

Brilliant job. :sparkling_heart:
Or as the man said “yippee ki-yay” but ill leave it at that. :joy:

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Love this submission… was trying to think of how to do Die Hard myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

One more for the first prompt:

I kept all the materials the same, but I did get a little clever with lighting. The buttons of course are illuminated, but I also have a large area light just below the buttons, illuminating only the base box. This area light is set to negative strength, so it darkens the box, rather than lightening it. It’s a trippy effect that my mind still can’t fully grasp, haha.