10 min or more load time

Is anyone else having issues with long load times in Blender 4.1 opening older version files?

I have one project that is taking over 10 min to load. I am sure it has to be an add-on but not sure which one as the scene is not missing anything. All lighting is there, mesh, characters, textures… all there and showing so if it is an add-on, finding out which one will be near impossible as I do have a lot. :frowning:

Is there a way to track down the delay in loading? I am on Linux and do not have a console like the windows version has.

The file opens very quickly in Blender 4.02.

Any help tracking down a fix to this would be welcome.


you can open a terminal on linux and run blender from there

you can do :
cd /path/to/your/blender/folder


it’s the first thing to do as it’s very likely that there will be useful info there.
Unless you want to disable and re-enable all your addons :smiley:

Good luck !

Thank you. I will give that a shot :slight_smile:

EDIT: OMG… there is a lot of info in there. I have no clue to what any of it means. LMAO! I have a lof or lines with “PT prefix/suffix” lines of code in there. But I do think I found the delay issue. It freezes looking for a texture. Not sure why as it finds it find in v4.0. But Looking into that for step one.

Thanks again. This is exactly what I needed :+1: :+1: